The course of "Botany and plant conservation" aims to provide basic knowledge on the morpho-functional organization of plant organisms, including fungi and to introduce the student to plant systematics and evolutionary aspects of the Plant Kingdom with particular reference to both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and fungi. The course also aims to provide knowledge about the distribution of plants and the competence for monitoring and conservation of plants. Finally, the course aims to provide a broad overview of the various implications that Botany has in other fields.
The expected results of the course include the acquisition of theoretical and methodological skills, i.e. knowing how to recognize taxa using classical analytical keys and modern digital ones, how to apply sampling and data collection techniques, use of microscope and stereomicroscope.
teacher profile | teaching materials


GENERAL BOTANY (Prof. Thomas Abeli)
Introduction; history of Botany; basic knowledge of the Theory of Evolution; plant cell and organs; plant tissues; plant organs (root, stem, leaf); reproductive structures and pollination and dispersal mechanisms; spores and seeds (germination and conservation); life cycles.

SYSTEMATIC BOTANY (Prof. Thomas Abeli)
Systematics, taxonomy and phylogenesis; fungi; cyanobacteria and algae; lichens and mosses; Pteridophytes; Gymnosperms; Angiosperms.

APPLIED BOTANY (Prof. Thomas Abeli)
Geobotany and plant distribution; basic knowledge of plant ecology; study of the flora and chorological spectra; threats to plants and basic knowledge of conservation; plant and climate change; techniques of plant sampling; methods for studying the plant reproductive biology; Bioindicators; conservation of Crop Wild Relatives and landraces.

Plant identification

Core Documentation

- Text: Pasqua. Abbate, Forni - Botanica generale e diversità vegetale - Ed. Piccin, Padova.
Alternatively: Raven, Evert, Eichhorn - Biologia delle Piante - Ed. Zanichelli.
- pdf of the lectures
- protocols used during the laboratory exercises
- other material prepared by the professors

Type of delivery of the course

This is a lecture-based course taught by dedicated teachers (Prof. Abeli and Prof. Cona). In addition, in-class seminars will be offered by other professor of the Department of Sciences. The course includes laboratory practical activities on plant identification and an excursion to the Botanical Garden of Rome (Prof. Abeli). In the case the emergency related to the Coronavirus outbreak should continue, the course will be held online through the online platform Teams.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be in the form of a written multiple-choice test on all the topics of the Course.

teacher profile | teaching materials


General concepts of photosynthesis; chloroplasts; photosynthetic apparatus; photosynthetic pigments; photochemical reaction centers and light-harvesting antennas; photosynthetic reactions: light dependent reactions and carbon fixation reactions; transpiration and the photosynthesis/transpiration compromise; climate change and food security.

Core Documentation

Pasqua. Abbate, Forni - Botanica generale e diversità vegetale - Ed. Piccin, Padova.
Alternatively: Raven, Evert, Eichhorn - Biologia delle Piante - Ed. Zanichelli.
Pdf files of the lectures
Other materials prepared by the professors

Prof. Cona receives every day by appointment via e-mail: alessandra.cona@uniroma3.it

Type of delivery of the course

This is a lecture-based course taught by dedicated teachers (general, systematic and applied botany Prof. Abeli and plant physiology Prof. Cona). In addition, in-class seminars will be offered by other professor.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be in the form of a written multiple-choice test on all the topics of the Course.