teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410456 MC420-DIDATTICA DELLA MATEMATICA in Matematica LM-40 MAGRONE PAOLA


The course aims to introduce students to the teaching of mathematics in first and second grade secondary schools, through a historical-epistemological approach to the basic concepts of elementary mathematics (arithmetic, geometry, algebra, probability, functions). In particular: the teaching of mathematics and its evolution; numerical systems; Euclid's axioms and postulates; non-Euclidean and locally Euclidean geometries; geometric constructions with ruler and compass and mathematical machines; elements of history of infinitesimal calculus. Outline of national guidelines.

Core Documentation

GIORGIO ISRAEL, ANA MILLÁN GASCA, Pensare in matematica, Zanichelli, 2012.
ANA MILLÁN GASCA, All'inizio fu lo scriba, Mimesis, 2004
ENRICO GIUSTI, Analisi matematica 1, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes 75% of lectures. The remaining 25% is dedicated to classroom exercises: students prepare a lesson on a topic agreed with the teacher and carry it out in the classroom. During the lesson weeks, deliveries are assigned to be carried out individually or in groups, which will be corrected and discussed in the classroom.

Type of evaluation

The assessment is based on the written tests assigned during the course, a written test and an oral test (one week apart)