20410493 - Psicobiologia

The course will address the main topics of interest in psychobiology, with the aim of promoting a basic knowledge of the subject, of the main experimental paradigms and methods used in psychobiology.
The aim of the course is therefore to provide knowledge of the biological and neuropsychological fundamentals and correlates of behavior and psychological functions in humans and animals, as well as the main methods and techniques used in psychobiological research.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410493 Psicobiologia in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 TREZZA VIVIANA


Introduction to psychobiology: field of investigation and history
Introduction to the biological basis of behavior
Genes per environment interaction in typical and atypical brain development
Cognitive, affective and social development in childhood and adolescence
Learning and conditioning: neural substrates, pathological aspects, experimental paradigms
Memory: types of memory, neural substrates, pathological aspects, experimental paradigms
Emotion and motivation: neural substrates, pathological aspects, experimental paradigms
Psychotropic substances and the neurobiology of reward processes
Social behavior: neural substrates, pathological aspects, experimental paradigms

Core Documentation

- The slides of the lessons will be made available to students

Type of evaluation

Two intercourse written assessments will be made, consisting of open questions and multiple-choice questions. The evaluation of each test will be in 30/30. Students who will get a score of at least 18 in each test will pass the exam, with a score corresponding to the average score of the two tests . Alternatively, students may also decide to have a single oral exam on the entire program of the course, with an overall evaluation in 30/30.