20410553 - Botanica di campo ed applicata

At the end of the course, the students will have learned the basic concepts on the main morpho-structural differences of plant organisms according to their adaptations to different environments. They will be able to identify and explain form-function relationships in the plants. They will be able to recognize the most representative and dominant species of the main plant coenoses of the Italian landscape. In the field of applied botany, the students will have discovered the many uses, traditional and modern, that plant species can have. They will know the use of plant species as climatic, edaphic and anthropic disturbance descriptors and as bioindicators of environmental quality and phytoremediation agents of contaminated waters and soils. They will know the issues related to alien plant species (introduction, ecosystem impact, management and control methodologies). Basic concepts of forensic botany will be acquired. Through laboratory and field exercises, the students will acquire techniques and methodologies to sample and identify plant species and analyze and know how to interpret the collected flora and vegetation data.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410553 Botanica di campo ed applicata in Biodiversità e gestione degli ecosistemi LM-6 CESCHIN SIMONA


Main morpho-structural differences of plant organisms according to their adaptations to different environments (mountain, coastal, lake, river, rock, wall, city). Examples of Form-Function relationship in the plants. Definition of the most representative and dominant species of the main plant coenoses of the Italian landscape. Techniques and methods of sampling, collection and identification of vascular plants.
In the field of applied botany, a description of the many traditional and modern uses of plant heritage. Use of plant species as descriptors of climate, soil and human disturbance. Their use as bioindicators of environmental quality and as phytoremediation agents of contaminated waters and soils. Meaning and problems related to alien flora (introduction, ecosystem impact, management and control methodologies). Contribution of botany to forensic sciences: palynology, dendrology, dendrochronology, dating of plant remains, poisonous and drug plants.
Laboratory and field exercises on the topics covered during the course.

Core Documentation

Pdfs of the lessons performed during the course and the following book:

- Schauer T., Caspari C. 1997. Guida all'identificazione delle piante. Zanichelli.
- Book of Sistematic Botany utilized in the course of Biodiversity of vascular plant: Judd, Campbell, Kellogg, Stevens, Donoghue. Botanica sistematica. Un
approccio filogenetico. Piccin. OR Pasqua, Abbate, Forni. Botanica generale e Diversità vegetale. Piccin.

The teacher receives Mon, Wed, Fri from 12.00 to 13.00 by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of receiving students will be implemented. In particular, the teacher will receive electronically by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place with classroom lessons, practice exercise and field trips. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, they will receive all the provisions that regulate the methods for carrying out the educational activities. In particular, the following methods are applied: conducting classroom lessons through distance learning in e-learning, thus with video lessons using the Microsoft Teams platform and uploading the ppt of the lessons and other material useful for teaching purposes in the platform identified by the University such as Moodle. The possibility of carrying out practical exercises in the laboratory and in the field will be decided according to the directives indicated by the University on the point in question.


Frequency at lessons, exercise in laboratory and field trips is not mandatory but is highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral test consisting of three phases: illustration and discussion of a ppt elaborated by the student on one of the course topics. Recognition of plant species from samples or images. Questions on the different topics carried out in class and during laboratory or field exercises. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods for carrying out the student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the oral tests will be conducted electronically on the platform identified by the University, such as Microsft Teams.