20410527 - Neurobiologia molecolare dello sviluppo

The Course aims to provide the student with advanced knowledge and skills in molecular biology of neurodevelopment, with particular reference to the central nervous system of vertebrates.

The aim of the first module is to provide the student with general knowledge about the cellular processes that lead, in the course of early and late embryogenesis, to the formation of the central nervous system from the neural tube. Advanced concepts on morphogenetic processes ensuring the achievement of the general cytoarchitecture of telecephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon and spinal cord will be provided. In particular, the student will acquire knowledge and skills on neuronal migration processes (under normal and pathological conditions) that lead to the layering of the cerebral cortex, spinal cord, and cerebellum. Advanced knowledge and expertise will also be provided on the cellular processes underlying adult neurogenesis and neurodegeneration, focusing on the role of apoptosis and autophagy. The student, through an interactive teaching will acquire skills in the study of pathological conditions, such as the most common neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea).

The aim of the second module is to provide the student with general knowledge regarding the gene expression underlying the differentiation and morphogenesis of the nervous tissue. These molecular mechanisms will be addressed in different study models. It will be highlighted how neurogenesis and plasticity have profound functional implications in the nervous system throughout the life of the individual. The student, by means an interactive teaching, will acquire skills on new biomolecular technologies to study the development and functionality of the nervous system under physiological and pathological conditions.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410527 Neurobiologia molecolare dello sviluppo in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 MORENO SANDRA, CERVELLI MANUELA, Colasuonno Fiorella


Overview of the development of multicellular organisms. Ectodermal derivation of neural tissue in invertebrates and vertebrates. Primary neurulation: cellular and molecular mechanisms of neural plate formation, neural folds, neural groove and neural tube. Secondary neurulation. Neural tube closure defects in mammals: genetic and environmental causes. Morphogenesis and differentiation of the brain and spinal cord. Role of cell death in central nervous system morphogenesis: apoptotic mechanisms. Layering of cerebral and cerebellar cortical structures. Congenital diseases related to neuronal migration defects: the case of peroxisomal disorders. Neural stem cells: neuronal and glial differentiation. Neurogenesis in the adult brain: the subventricular and subgranular areas of the mammalian dentate gyrus. Pathways regulating activity of the neurogenic niche. Neurogenesis and neurodegeneration in the senescent brain. Neurodegenerative diseases related to aging: common features and anatomical and genetic-molecular specificities. Protein aggregates, role of apoptosis and autophagy and therapies against neurodegeneration, based on stem cell transplants and endogenous regeneration.

Core Documentation

Gilbert: "Developmental Biology", 9th Edition, Sinauer Associates

Type of delivery of the course

The course will include lectures and laboratory sessions.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination. The test is in an interview of about 30 minutes, during which the student will be asked 5-6 questions, covering most of the topics of the course. The final score takes into account the acquired knowledge (50%), the student's ability to integrate different concepts discussing them correctly in contextual problems (30%), and the ability to express in a clear and appropriate language (20%).

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410527 Neurobiologia molecolare dello sviluppo in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 MORENO SANDRA, CERVELLI MANUELA, Colasuonno Fiorella


Neural induction. Polarity and segmentation. Determination and differentiation. The anteroposterior axis and the Hox genes. Growth and direction of axons. circRNA and long non-coding RNA in brain development. Role of regulatory RNAs in synaptic translation control. Role of polyamines in the modulation of glutamate receptors. Interaction between glutamatergic system, serotonergic system and polyamine metabolism. Animal models used in Alzheimer's disease.

Core Documentation

Lo sviluppo del sistema nervoso. Authors: Dan H. Sanes; Thomas A. Reh; William A. Harris. Publishing house: Zanichelli.

Lecture slides will be provided.

The professor receives every day from 10.00 to 11.00 by appointment via e-mail: manuela.cervelli@uniroma3.it

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place with classroom lectures.


The course will take place with classroom lectures.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination. The test is in an interview of about 30 minutes during the period the student has to answer a series of questions (5-6) including most of the topics covered during the course. Each vote takes into account the acquired knowledge (50%), the student's ability to integrate different concepts and concepts and insert them correctly in contextual problems (30%), and the ability to offer a clear language, correct to the contents (20%).

Mutuazione: 20410527 Neurobiologia molecolare dello sviluppo in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 MORENO SANDRA, CERVELLI MANUELA, Colasuonno Fiorella