20410210 - Biotecnologie microbiche applicate all'industria del farmaco e degli alimenti

Knowledge of main microbial processes involved in production of commercial goods with special focus on food and drugs. Acquisition of competences about experimental methods and strategies used for the isolation and development of microbial starter.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410210 Biotecnologie microbiche applicate all'industria del farmaco e degli alimenti in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 LEONI LIVIA


• Generalities about microbial metabolism and physiology
• Industrial and traditional fermentations, starter coltures;
• Conservation and safety of fermented foods;
• Microbial technologies for drugs development and production (antibiotics);
• Microbial technologies for food industry (fermented dairy products and alcoholic beverages; vinegar);
• Microbial production of enzymes and recombinant proteins for drug and food industry (caomparative examples);
• Genetic improvement of industrial microrganism.

Laboratory practices and other activities
-cloning, overexpression and purification of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli;
-development and microbiological analysis of sourdough;
-guided tours to a beer farm

Core Documentation

Specific learning material will be provided by the teacher (lectures slides, scientific articles). Below some suggested books.

Type of delivery of the course

Theoretical lessons in classroom, laboratory practice and a visit to a brewing farm


Admission to the final exams is restricted to students that will attend at least 75% of the classroom lessons.

Type of evaluation

Theoretical and practical concepts discussed during the lessons of the course will be objects of the exam. Particular attention will be given to the ability of the student to apply the knowledge acquired during the course to solve new problems in the field. Final mark will be attribute as follow: - 20% communication skills; - 30% acquisition of knowledge and understanding; - 20% capacity to link the different topics covered by the program, also with respect to other knowledges previously acquired in other courses; - 30% capacity to apply the knowledge for problem-solving. Outstanding students will be certified with honors (lode).