Prevalent formative objectives: perception and ordering of plant biodiversity in a taxonomic hierarchy.
Identification of the main morphological characters for the purposes of systematic vascular plants. Recognition of the most widespread plant species in Italy.
Learning of basic methods and techniques for the study of flora: importance of the herbarium, use of analytical keys for the determination, floristic survey, etc.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Plant biodiversity: importance of its knowledge and the multiple uses of this plant heritage. Systematics, Classification, Classification methods, Taxonomy, Taxonomic categories and nomenclature. Identification techniques (dichotomous keys, florae). Realization of an Herbarium. Emersion from the aquatic environment, Cryptogams - Ancestral and fossil Pteridophytes, Pteridophytes (general and systematic characters, Spermatophytes - Gimnospermae (general characters and systematic), Characters with taxonomic value - roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, inflorescences, infructescences, pollen, secondary metabolites, Spermatophytes - Angiospermae (general characters and systematic), differences between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons, Spermatophytes - Angiosperms Dicotyledons (general characters and systematic), Spermatophytes - Monocotyledons Angiosperms (general characters and systematic).
Laboratory: use of dicotomic keys for taxonomical determination, plant biodiversity in kitchen.
Educational Excursion within Rome and Latium.

Core Documentation

Pdfs of the lessons performed during the course and the using of the following books:
Judd, Campbell, Kellogg, Stevens, Donoghue. Botanica sistematica. Un approccio filogenetico. PICCIN
Pasqua, Abbate, Forni. Botanica generale e Diversità vegetale. PICCIN

The teacher receives Mon, Wed, Fri from 12.00 to 13.00 by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it

In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of receiving students will be implemented.

Reference Bibliography

Consultation of key dichotomous of Pignatti (2018). Flora d’Italia. Edagricole (for deepening and determination of plant specimens)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place with classroom lectures, delivered in mixed mode, providing the possibility for students enrolled in the course to participate from home. Practical exercises in the laboratory and educational field trips are planned. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, they will receive all the provisions that regulate the methods for carrying out the educational activities. In particular, the following methods are applied: conducting frontal lessons through mixed mode using the Microsoft Teams platform to transmit lessons to students attending from home and uploading the ppt of the lessons and other material useful for teaching purposes in the platform identified by the University such as Moodle. The Lessons cannot be recorded.


Frequency at lessons, exercise in laboratory and field trips is not mandatory but is highly recommended

Type of evaluation

Oral test consisting of three parts: illustration to the teacher of a scientific herbarium prepared by the student, recognition of plant samples and discussion of the main diagnostic features, questions on topics developed during the course and dealt with in class. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods for carrying out the student assessment will be implemented.