The course aims to provide students with the basics concepts and techniques of corporate management.
To this aim a firm is represented as a dynamic system, in its fundamental components and relations, according to the system theory principles.
This representation allows explaining how a firm works and it is useful for managers’ decisions.
The analysis principally refers to the industrial firms.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20401650 ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE in Biologia Molecolare, Cellulare e della Salute LM-6 NESSUNA CANALIZZAZIONE CORTESELLI EMILIO



1. The concept of business system.
2. The transactional and competitive environment.
3. Theories on entrepreneurial purposes.
4. The stakeholder theory.
5. The management cycle: the organizational function.
6. The directional cycle: directional control.
7. The management cycle: the management of resources.
8. The directional cycle: directional control.
9. The overall strategies.
10. Market positioning and SWOT analysis.
11. Competitive strategies.
12. Marketing: the product policy.
13. Marketing: the price policy and the promotional policy.
14. Marketing: the distribution policy.
15. Production management.
16. Logistics and inventory management techniques.
17. Financial management.
18. The choice of funding sources and financial leverage.
19. Techniques for evaluating investment projects.
20. Planning of financial choices.
21. The balance sheet analysis by indices: outline.
22. The evaluation of the economic - structural potential.
23. The budgeting process.
24. Analysis of distribution costs.
25. Evaluation of company performance.

Core Documentation

Sergio Sciarelli, business management, WKI

Type of delivery of the course

both in presence and at a distance

Type of evaluation

oral exam