20410740 - Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation of Coastal Ecosystems

Major goals of this course are: the training in the ecology of coastal ecosystems and the achievement of solid skills in this sector, the understanding of its relationship with other ecological disciplines (animal ecology, plant ecology) and the strengthening of the knowledge acquired previously (botany, zoology, ecology).
This lab aims to analyze the wide biodiversity of coastal ecosystems, at national and European level and the major threats. Furthermore, the acquisition of a broad skills in the methodologies and techniques related to the collection, both in the laboratory and in the field, of biological and environmental data.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Coastal ecosystems as an interface between the terrestrial and marine environment. Diversity of sandy, rocky, brakish and lagoon ecosystems. Characteristics and distribution in the different continents. Coastal phytocoenosis of the Italian and European (Mediterranean and Atlantic) coasts. Main plant groupings. Main adaptive strategies of plants. The animals of the coastal dunes and relationships with the psammoalophilous vegetation. Fauna of the humid areas behind the dunes, nesting and wintering sites for birds. Stranding and recovery of marine vertebrates. Terrestrial and marine animals of the intertidal zone. Fauna of the cliff pools. The cliffs and the nesting of birds. Coastal Habitats of the European Directive 92/43 / EEC (Habitats Directive) and EUNIS present in Italy. Sampling and data analysis techniques. The conservation of the coasts. Main disturbing factors. Threatened habitats. Threatened species and exotic species. Environmental quality and state of conservation. Bioindicators. Problems of conservation and management. Main strategies for the conservation of coastal ecosystems.

Core Documentation

Acosta A. & Ercole S. 2017. Gli habitat delle coste sabbiose italiane: ecologia e problematiche di conservazione. Quaderni ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale 215/2015.

Ruffo, S. (a cura di). (2002). Dune e spiagge sabbiose. Ambienti fra terra e mare. Quaderni Habitat, 4. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio. Scaricabile dal sito del Ministero.

costa A. (2021). Le spiagge, queste sconosciute. Un viaggio negli ambienti più interessanti (e minacciati) d'Italia. Aracne editrice.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures with monothematic seminars on problems of coastal ecosystems. Activities in the field.

Type of evaluation

Verification of learning takes place through the evaluation of the participation and involvement of students in the proposed activities. the proposed field activities can be also analyzed and discussed with the students individually.