20702393-2 - GEOGRAFIA II

The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing
to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the
dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702393-2 GEOGRAFIA II in Scienze storiche, del territorio e per la cooperazione internazionale L-42 MASETTI CARLA


The Course is scheduled into two modules
The module I will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape
Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface
The second module (6 cfu) will emphasize the different aspects of the territorial organization of the relationship between man and the environment, interpreted in a space-time dimension. A series of lessons will be directed in particular to the deepening of the physical-anthropic evolution of Italian landscapes. During the course there is an excursion that is an integral part of the didactics.
Main topics to be addressed during the second module: What is human geography; Spatial interaction and spatial behavior; Population and migration; Geography of languages; Ethnic Geography; Urban systems and urban structures; Territorial economic structures: primary, secondary, tertiary and beyond; Environmental challenges. Specific topics covered by the didactic excursion

Core Documentation

a) I module (6 cfu)
Attending students:
- lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
-E. Lupia Palmieri, M. Parotto, Il Globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione,Edizione blu-Seconda edizione,testo unico, Milano, Zanichelli,2019 (ISBN: 978-88-08-32899-1).

b) First and Second modules
Attending students:
- a good high school manual, lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
-E. Lupia Palmieri, M. Parotto, Il Globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione,Edizione blu-Seconda edizione,testo unico, Milano, Zanichelli,2019 (ISBN: 978-88-08-32899-1).

Type of evaluation

I part: Written test, with open or multiple choice questions II part: Written test, with open answer questions

Fruizione: 20702393 GEOGRAFIA in Scienze storiche, del territorio e per la cooperazione internazionale L-42 (docente da definire)