acquisition of the basic juridical notions on which to graft the study of the normative treatment of cultural assets; knowledge of the function and form of law in relation to the promotion and freedom of art, science and culture according to the Italian Constitution; ability to communicate information and ideas orally
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is dedicated to the constituzional protection of the cultural heritage in the Italian Legal System

Core Documentation

M. Ainis – M. Fiorillo, L’ordinamento della cultura. Manuale di legislazione dei beni culturali, III ediz., Giuffré, Milano, 2015.
Per la preparazione dell'esame è consigliata anche la consultazione del Codice dei beni culturali (D.lgs n. 42 del 2004).

Reference Bibliography

Ainis – M. Fiorillo, L’ordinamento della cultura. Manuale di legislazione dei beni culturali, III ediz., Giuffré, Milano, 2015. Codice dei beni culturali (D.lgs n. 42 del 2004).

Type of delivery of the course

face-to-face teaching.


attendance at the course is not compulsory

Type of evaluation

Oral examination concerning the whole program. Limited to the summer session 2019/2020 the oral examination will take place in oral mode