20710218 - Letteratura inglese I


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 A - H GUARDUCCI MARIA PAOLA


This course provides a detailed analysis of some of the historical and cultural knots in English literature through the study of texts by some of the authors belonging to its canon. The course will focus on topics, contexts and textual strategies with a view to underlining the literary representation of the modern antihero as it develops from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Core Documentation

William Shakespeare, Hamlet / Amleto (English/Italian edition with It. translation by A. Lombardo);
Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses / Ulisse [online]
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations / Grandi speranze (any unabridged edition)
James Joyce, Dubliners / Gente di Dublino (any unabridged edition)

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

Final oral exam. June/July exams: oral online exams (Microsoft Teams)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 I - Q PENNACCHIA MADDALENA


The battle of the sexes

Il corso intende avviare alla conoscenza e comprensione della cultura letteraria inglese con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche interculturali e transculturali. Si propone di far acquisire competenze di base nella lettura di testi esemplari dei tre principali macrogeneri (narrativa poesia e teatro), la cui scelta è stata effettuata seguendo un percorso tematico: la battaglia dei sessi.

Core Documentation

Testi primari

W. Shakespeare, La bisbetica domata con testo a fronte, traduzione a cura di Iolanda Plescia, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2019.
Jane Austen, Orgoglio e pregiudizio, traduzione di Giulio Caprin, Milano, Mondadori, 2010.
Robert Browning, Poesie con testo a fronte, a cura di Angelo Righetti, Milano, Mursia, 1990.
T. S. Eliot, Frammento di un agone con testo a fronte, traduzione a cura di Roberto Sanesi, in Opere, a cura di Roberto Sanesi, Milano, Bompiani, 2001.

Testi secondari
Brioschi F., Di Girolamo C., Fusillo M., Introduzione alla letteratura. Nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2017.

Type of delivery of the course

Distance teaching. Register on Moodle to access the course (ask the teacher for the password)

Type of evaluation

Due to the Covid 19 emergency the exams will be held according to the Rector's Decree No. 703 of 5 May 2020 (oral distance assessment). The course is delivered online on the Moodle platform (registration is mandatory: ask the Course Convenor for the password). It has been divided into 4 modules, one for each reading text. At the end of each module there is an activity (Attività di fine modulo) to assess the accomplishment of understanding and knowledge of the contents as well as the abilities required. Performing 1 Activities earns you a bonus of 1 point on the final grade; performing 2 activities earns you 1 and 1/2 points on the final grade, performing 3 activities earns you 2 points.. Those who did not accomplished any of the Activities must contact the Convenor for a written assignment to be sent via email at least one week before the oral exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 R - Z SACERDOTI GILBERTO


A general introduction to English literature, focusing on diachronic and synchronic interculturalism

Core Documentation

Chaucer, Canterbury Tales: General Prologue, The Knight's Tale, The Man of Law's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Tale
Shakespeare, Midsummer night's dream
Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Eliot, The Waste Land

Introductions must be read in all books

Type of evaluation

Oral test to verify the knowledge acquired during the course

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 A - H GUARDUCCI MARIA PAOLA


This course provides a detailed analysis of some of the historical and cultural knots in English literature through the study of texts by some of the authors belonging to its canon. The course will focus on topics, contexts and textual strategies with a view to underlining the literary representation of the modern antihero as it develops from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Core Documentation

William Shakespeare, Hamlet / Amleto (English/Italian edition with It. translation by A. Lombardo);
Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses / Ulisse [online]
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations / Grandi speranze (any unabridged edition)
James Joyce, Dubliners / Gente di Dublino (any unabridged edition)

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

Final oral exam. June/July exams: oral online exams (Microsoft Teams)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 I - Q PENNACCHIA MADDALENA


The battle of the sexes

Il corso intende avviare alla conoscenza e comprensione della cultura letteraria inglese con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche interculturali e transculturali. Si propone di far acquisire competenze di base nella lettura di testi esemplari dei tre principali macrogeneri (narrativa poesia e teatro), la cui scelta è stata effettuata seguendo un percorso tematico: la battaglia dei sessi.

Core Documentation

Testi primari

W. Shakespeare, La bisbetica domata con testo a fronte, traduzione a cura di Iolanda Plescia, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2019.
Jane Austen, Orgoglio e pregiudizio, traduzione di Giulio Caprin, Milano, Mondadori, 2010.
Robert Browning, Poesie con testo a fronte, a cura di Angelo Righetti, Milano, Mursia, 1990.
T. S. Eliot, Frammento di un agone con testo a fronte, traduzione a cura di Roberto Sanesi, in Opere, a cura di Roberto Sanesi, Milano, Bompiani, 2001.

Testi secondari
Brioschi F., Di Girolamo C., Fusillo M., Introduzione alla letteratura. Nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2017.

Type of delivery of the course

Distance teaching. Register on Moodle to access the course (ask the teacher for the password)

Type of evaluation

Due to the Covid 19 emergency the exams will be held according to the Rector's Decree No. 703 of 5 May 2020 (oral distance assessment). The course is delivered online on the Moodle platform (registration is mandatory: ask the Course Convenor for the password). It has been divided into 4 modules, one for each reading text. At the end of each module there is an activity (Attività di fine modulo) to assess the accomplishment of understanding and knowledge of the contents as well as the abilities required. Performing 1 Activities earns you a bonus of 1 point on the final grade; performing 2 activities earns you 1 and 1/2 points on the final grade, performing 3 activities earns you 2 points.. Those who did not accomplished any of the Activities must contact the Convenor for a written assignment to be sent via email at least one week before the oral exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710218 Letteratura inglese I in Lingue e letterature per la comunicazione interculturale L-11 R - Z SACERDOTI GILBERTO


A general introduction to English literature, focusing on diachronic and synchronic interculturalism

Core Documentation

Chaucer, Canterbury Tales: General Prologue, The Knight's Tale, The Man of Law's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Tale
Shakespeare, Midsummer night's dream
Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Eliot, The Waste Land

Introductions must be read in all books

Type of evaluation

Oral test to verify the knowledge acquired during the course