basic knowledge of the peculiarities of the discipline between classical and medieval antiquity and of the overall picture of the history of specific studies from the sixteenth century to the present; understanding of the different sectors making up the material and their fundamental coordinates.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction to Early Christian Archaeology: sources, methods and investigations areas

Core Documentation

P. Testini, Archeologia Cristiana, Edipuglia Seconda Edizione, Bari 1980, pp. 1-72.
V. Fiocchi Nicolai, Strutture funerarie ed edifici di culto paleocristiani di Roma dal IV al VI secolo, Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, Città del Vaticano 2001.

Not attending students must add to Assignment:
F. Bisconti, O. Brandt (a cura di), Lezioni di Archeologia Cristiana, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, Città del Vaticano 2014.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional Oral examination

Type of evaluation

Oral examination