20710491 - Digital Preservation in Archives

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710491 Archivistica digitale in Scienze storiche, del territorio e per la cooperazione internazionale L-42 DI SIVO MICHELE


The course builds knowledge and skills starting from the exegesis of sources for historical research: the impact of digitization on documentation originating in the pre-computer age and that of digital native documents on source critique is its focus.
A second argument will be related to the management of digital documentation from its origin to its becoming as a cultural food and as historical documentation.
The students will acquire knowledge to deal with historical research through the analysis of the document in the context of information systems, dissemination on the web, consultation and its limits. They will therefore be able to tackle a project of study, digitization and enhancement of documentary resources, within the framework of the critical issues related to the conservation and integrity of the digitized and digital document. They will access documentary sources also through the use of digital descriptive resources; will address the question of the interpretation of sources according to a methodology starting from their contextualization in the archives of origin. They will acquire the tools for their full interpretation in independent judgment. They will also know the reordering criteria of the documentation and therefore of their description, fundamental elements of a correct exegesis.
Finally, they will address the issues of historical and archival disclosure, refining communication skills through logical and lexical rigor.

Core Documentation

Marc Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino 2009, pp. 3-169.

One from: Federico Valacchi, Diventare archivisti: competenze tecniche di un mestiere sul confine, Milano 2015; Giorgetta Bonfiglio-Dosio, Primi passi nel mondo degli archivi. Temi e testi per la formazione archivistica di primo livello, Padova 2007.

One from: Maria Guercio, Archivistica informatica. I documenti in ambiente digitale, Roma 2021 (chapters 1-2-3: the student has to take chief and essential elements of these pages); Maria Guercio - Stefano Pigliapoco - Federico Valacchi, Archivi e informatica, introduzione di Antonio Romiti, Lucca 2010;Stefano Vitali, Passato digitale. Le fonti dello storico nell'era del computer, Milano 2004.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place in two possible ways, face-to-face and online (Microsoft Teams) based on provisions and availability.

Type of evaluation

The test will be carried out as an oral exam, traditionally or remotely.