basic knowledge and understanding of the history of contemporary art in its chronological development (19th-20th century); ability to read works of art; ability to communicate the acquired notions orally
teacher profile | teaching materials


Study of major developments in modern art (mainly – but not exclusively – painting and sculpture) from the French Revolution to the end of XXth century

Core Documentation

– C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Bruno Mondadori Arte, Milano-Torino 2011, vol 4. Dal Barocco all’Art Nouveau (dall’unità 23 all’unità 26 comprese); vol. 5, Novecento e oltre, per intero.
– One of the following:
F. Rovati, L’arte dell’Ottocento, Einaudi, Torino 2017;
A. De Puppo, L’arte contemporanea, Einaudi, Torino 2013;
C. Zambianchi, Arte contemporanea. Dall’espressionismo astratto alla pop art, Carocci, Roma 2011.

Type of delivery of the course

A series of lectures given by the teacher will be complemented by group discussion focusing on critical examination of a number of pictures; visits to the public collections of modern art are also planned. The course may be subject to some changes due to the development of the COVID19 epidemic

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two portions: a written exam focusing on an artwork, and an oral exam used to assess students preparation. Orals are scheduled to follow soon after completion of the written exams.