The course is aimed at students of the three-year degree and wants to offer the methodological tools and basic knowledge for the study of art history in Italy in the early modern age. Through a chronological and geographical path, the development of painting, sculpture and architecture in Italy between the 15th and 18th centuries will be outlined. The objective is above all the acquisition by the student of the ability to orient himself stylistically and critically among the artists and the main works of the history of early modern art, with its main historiographical focuses. At the end of the course, students will be able to deal with the iconographic, stylistic and technical analysis of a work of art, in its historical and critical context.
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Painting and sculpture in Italy (1400-1700) (12 CFU)

The knowledge of art and artistic movements in Italy from early Renaissance to Neoclassicism is the aim of the course. This goal can be achieved analyzing the style of the works of art and their history, patronage, meaning in the society in which they were born. Therefore a visive knowledge of paintings and sculptures is strictly requested.
The course will begin with some general lectures about artistic movements and different approaches to history of art. Students are kindly requested to have taken History of Medieval Art exam before attending the course.
Studying the manual is just the first step of preparing for the exam. The knowledge of the complete work of the most important artists is also requested and therefore students can be helped to get in touch with the whole ouvre of artists by the website (I suggest www.wga.hu). Maestri del Colore or Classici dell’arte Rizzoli can be useful as well. During the course some subjects will be developed and it’s very important to learn them through the slides which can be found on Microsoft Teams, Team Storia dell’Arte Moderna 2020-2021.
In any case the most important way of learning visual art is getting in real touch with works of art by visiting them. Therefore there’s a list of monuments in Rome to be visited before the exam, which could be found in the slides. If the pandemic situation doesn’t allow to visit monuments, more information will be provided during the course.
Students attending the course can take a written exam at mid term and at the end of the term. These two written exams will be part of the final one.
Bibliography for attending and non attending students is the same. The least absolutely need to get the course’s slides which can be found here www.bit.ly/dsu-terzaghi at the end of the course.

Core Documentation

1) Suggested manual:

S. Settis – T. Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile. Dal Quattrocento alla Controriforma (vol. 3), Mondadori Editore

e S. Settis – T. Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile. Dal Barocco all’Impressionismo (vol. 4), Mondadori Editore (solo fino al Settecento, capitolo 14 incluso)

2) One of the following tests is also requested:
1. M. Baxandall, Pittura ed esperienze sociali nell’Italia del Quattrocento, Torino, Einaudi 1978.

2. A. De Marchi, La pala d’altare. Dal polittico alla pala quadra, Firenze, Art & libri, 2012.

3. A. Pinelli, La bella maniera. Artisti del Cinquecento tra regola e licenza, Torino, Einaudi 2003.

4. E. Panofsky, Studi di iconologia. I temi umanistici nell’arte del Rinascimento, ed. italiana Torino, Einaudi 2009.

5. F. Zeri, Pittura e controriforma. L’arte senza tempo di Scipione da Gaeta, ed. originale, Torino, Einaudi 1957 (ristampa Neri Pozza 1997).

6. F. Haskell, Mecenati e pittori. Studio sui rapporti tra arte e società italiana nell’età barocca, Torino, Einaudi 2020 (ed. originale Firenze, Sansoni, 1966).

7. T. Montanari, Il Barocco, Torino, Einaudi 2012.

8. F. Haskell – N. Penny, L’antico nella storia del gusto: La seduzione della scultura classica 1500-1900, Torino 1984.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is both in presence and on line and will start in the second term.

Type of evaluation

Only students regularly attending the course could take two written texts during the course. For the students who pass the written texts, final oral exam’s program will regard only the book chosen from the list that could be found in Testi adottati.