The student will acquire knowledge on some aspects of phonetics, morphology and historical syntax, to arrive at an easier understanding of the structures and dynamisms of the Latin language, also with a view to a better knowledge of Italian. Through the knowledge, albeit essential, of historical phonetics, the student will also acquire those notions of prosody, which constitute a necessary basis for reading prose texts and also for the study of the Latin metric.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is aimed at providing a more complete domain of the Latin language, also for a better understanding of the Italian language. A prose (Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta) and a poetic text (Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum) will be read in original and explicated as regards both the language and the contents. For this purpose the course consists of:
(1) A number of lessons minded in particular to offer an overview of the main aspects of phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Latin language, with notions of prosody and metrics;
(2) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of:
- (a) Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta;
- (b) Decimus Magnus Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum.

Core Documentation

As for (1):
- R. Oniga, Latin: A Linguistic Introduction, edited and translated by N. Schifano, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a .pdf copy of this book, currently not in print, will be made available on line at the url of the course].
- Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course.

As for (2):
- (a) Cicerone, In difesa di Archia, traduzione e note di D. Pellacani, Milano, Rusconi, 2020;
- (b) Decimo Magno Ausonio, Epitaphia heroum, cura di T. Privitera, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019.

Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).

Reference Bibliography

As for (1): - R. Oniga, Latin: A Linguistic Introduction, edited and translated by N. Schifano, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. - S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a .pdf copy of this book, currently not in print, will be made available on line at the url of the course]. - Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course. As for (2): - (a) Cicerone, In difesa di Archia, traduzione e note di D. Pellacani, Milano, Rusconi, 2020; - (b) Decimo Magno Ausonio, Epitaphia heroum, cura di T. Privitera, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019. Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).

Type of delivery of the course

In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, as regards lessons and the dissemination of teaching materials, Moodle and/or Teams platforms will be used. As regards the exams, Teams platform will be used.


In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, as regards lessons and the dissemination of teaching materials, Moodle and/or Teams platforms will be used. As regards the exams, Teams platform will be used.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam at the end of the course, without intermediate tests (queries about the grammatical structure of the language, and reading in latin, translation and interpretation of some passages of the texts).

teacher profile | teaching materials



The course is aimed at providing a more complete domain of the Latin language, also for a better understanding of the Italian language. A prose (Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta) and a poetic text (Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum) will be read in original and explicated as regards both the language and the contents. For this purpose the course consists of:
(1) A number of lessons minded in particular to offer an overview of the main aspects of phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Latin language, with notions of prosody and metrics;
(2) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of:
- (a) Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta;
- (b) Decimus Magnus Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum.

Core Documentation

As for (1):
- R. Oniga, Latin: A Linguistic Introduction, edited and translated by N. Schifano, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a .pdf copy of this book, currently not in print, will be made available on line at the url of the course].
- Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course.

As for (2):
- (a) Cicerone, In difesa di Archia, traduzione e note di D. Pellacani, Milano, Rusconi, 2020;
- (b) Decimo Magno Ausonio, Epitaphia heroum, cura di T. Privitera, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019.

Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).

Reference Bibliography

As for (1): - R. Oniga, Latin: A Linguistic Introduction, edited and translated by N. Schifano, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. - S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a .pdf copy of this book, currently not in print, will be made available on line at the url of the course]. - Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course. As for (2): - (a) Cicerone, In difesa di Archia, traduzione e note di D. Pellacani, Milano, Rusconi, 2020; - (b) Decimo Magno Ausonio, Epitaphia heroum, cura di T. Privitera, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019. Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).

Type of delivery of the course

In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, as regards lessons and the dissemination of teaching materials, Moodle and/or Teams platforms will be used. As regards the exams, Teams platform will be used.


In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, as regards lessons and the dissemination of teaching materials, Moodle and/or Teams platforms will be used. As regards the exams, Teams platform will be used.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam at the end of the course, without intermediate tests (queries about the grammatical structure of the language, and reading in latin, translation and interpretation of some passages of the texts).