20703154 - ROMAN HISTORY I

The student will acquire the cultural and methodological prerequisites
of the study of Roman history and a sound knowledge of
its entire development (up to the 6th century AD). He/she will also acquire
knowledge in connection with the monographic treatment
of specific themes and problems of Roman history.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702423-1 STORIA ROMANA I in Lettere L-10 N0 PORENA PIERFRANCESCO


Roman History DISCIPLINARY FIELD: L-ANT/03 (Roman History)
Bachelor course in Roman History (72 hours = 6+6 ECTS)
Lecturers: Prof. P. Porena & Prof. A. Marcone [First Semester]; Prof. A. Angius [Second Semester].

the Roman History course (2 modules 6+6 = 12 ECTS) for the Bachelor’s degree can be attended by students either in the First or Second Semester.
■ First Semester:
the teacher of the first module (Roman History I = 6 ECTS), is Prof. P. Porena: his classes run from the first week of October to the second week of November 2023, and are supposed to take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1-3 p.m. (in recent years in Room 18) and on the Teams platform. The teacher of the second module (Roman History II, 6 CFU) is prof. A. Marcone: his classes will run from the third week of November to the end of December 2023, and will take place in the same classroom and according to the same schedule as the first module.
■ Second Semester

Both the first module (Roman History I, 6 ECTS) and the second module (Roman History II, 6 ECTS) are taught by prof. A. Angius: the first module classes will run from the last week of February to the last week of March; the second module classes will run from the first week of April to the second week of May 2024 (classroom and schedule to be defined) also on the Teams platform.
Students are free to choose whether to attend the course modules in the First Semester (with exams starting in the winter session, mid-January 2024), or in the Second Semester (with exams starting in the summer session, from the end of May 2024). Students who want to follow a course and take a 12 ECTS exam must follow the two 6 ECTS modules in their chronological order either in the First or Second Semester: they cannot attend a 6 ECTS module in the First Semester and a 6 ECTS module in the Second Semester. You are advised to check whether in your curriculum the 6 or 12 CFUs can be acquired in only one of the two semesters.

Description of the First module of the course of ROMAN HISTORY (prof. P. Porena): "Critical paths of Roman History"
It is hardly possible to summarize Roman history, since it extends along a long time frame and involves different and wide geographical and cultural spaces. Moreover Roma egemony has produced a variety of experiences and transformations. The course aims to underline, through the analysis of literary, epigraphic and artistics sources, the original characters of Roman history, in order also to neutralize some chichés and commonplaces about the ancient Rome, which depends on deeply rooted preconceptions. The course also provides a critical understanding of the events of Roman history, but also of the problems, of the themes and of the historical and cultural processes which affected the transformation of Roman society, the evolution of its institutions, and the formation, consolidation and deconstruction of its Mediterranean empire created at the crossroads of three continents.

Core Documentation

▪ TEXTS for students who attend the course:
- G. GERACI, A. MARCONE, Storia romana, Le Monnier, (nuova edizione) Firenze 2011 (editio minor), then 4th ed. 2016;
- G. GERACI, A. MARCONE, Fonti per la storia romana, Le Monnier, Firenze 2006, then 2nd ed. 2019 ;
- Atlante Storico, De Agostini, Novara 2003 or another edition;
(further suggestions for optional in-depth bibliography will be provided by the teacher at the beginning of the course)

▪ ADDITIONAL TEXTs for students who do not attend the course:
- A. Giardina (a cura di), L’uomo romano, Roma-Bari (Laterza) (1989) 2008.

It is possible to ask for bibliography in English, French and German and take the exam in one of these three languages.

Type of delivery of the course

▪ SEMESTER : FIRST (October - november 2023). ▪ START OF LESSONS : first week of October 2023. Classroom lessons, teaching with the help of PDF-texts and Power Point slides (45’ + 45’ lesson). The module will examine the salient moments and characteristics of the process of construction of a world hegemony by the city of Rome, and its destructuring (8th century BC - 6th century AD). Through the analysis of literary, epigraphic and artistic sources, the originality and style of the history of Rome will be highlighted. The students will acquire the methodological tools for the study of Roman history and a knowledge of its entire development. They will also acquire knowledge of the monographic treatment of specific themes and problems of Roman history, as well as of specific historical processes of long duration examined in the light of contemporary historiography. The language is Italian, but it is possible to get programs with texts in English, French, German and Spanish.


Attendance is not compulsory, but it is advisable to attend at least half of the lessons. In the case of overlaps with other lessons, it is advisable to share notes with other students attending.

Type of evaluation

Written examination will take place in presence at the Department of Humanistic Studies (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, via Ostiense, 234 - Rome). The examination consists of three parts: 1) twenty closed-ended questions concerning the chronology; 2) three texts concerning three episodes of Roman history with blank spaces to be filled with appropriate wording; 3) five open-ended questions concerning topics related to evenemential, institutional, political and social history. Students can answer questions using any of the following languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish. The schedule and room of the examinations will be indicated on the website and on the teacher's board. The student must book his examination through the GOMP digital platform. The examination is aimed to assess the student's knowledge of the main events of Roman history, the ability to locate them chronologically and to periodize Roman history. In addition, the candidate's ability and knowledge concerning the evolution of society, economy, culture, and administrative, civil and military structures of the Roman world will also be assessed. The teacher assesses the candidate's ability to make references to ancient sources (literary, epigraphic, papirological, legal). He also assesses his/her expressive skills and the use of appropriate technical language.