The aim of the course is the acquisition of knowledge of Greek literature, considered in its historical development, in its articulation in literary genres, against the background of economic and political evolution as well as in relation to the progressive transformations of the communication system. Furthermore, through the study and translation of a short text or a circumscribed anthological selection of various texts in the original language, the student will be able to acquire hermeneutic skills, especially from a linguistic point of view, but also fundamental notions of a historical-literary nature.
teacher profile | teaching materials



The course aims to frame the literary phenomenon in ancient Greece in a historical-literary perspective firmly rooted in the linguistic dimension. The course includes:
I) A cycle of lectures that focuses on genre as a central aspect of the literary fact, both in the relationship that is established between authors and the public and from the more general point of view of the historical dimension of literature itself. The framework drawn by the teacher must be integrated independently by the students with the systematic study of the textbook.
II) A general overview of the principles underlying the interpretation of literary texts that also takes into account the cognitive approaches that characterize the most recent criticism.
III) The reading, translation, and critical discussion of a selection of passages from Homer's Iliad. Ample space will be given to the representation of heroic passions in Homeric epic: this thematic approach allows us to explore the centrality of Homer in ancient Greek culture from a perspective - that of emotions - that continues to pose complex challenges to humanistic research.
Attendance of the course, although optional, is strongly encouraged. For attending students, a reduction in the bibliographic load and the exam test (see below) is foreseen. Attending students must guarantee attendance at at least two-thirds of the lessons (24 hours out of 36).

Core Documentation

(A) It is essential to study a comprehensive textbook on the history of Greek literature from among those on the market; (B) a specific bibliography on Homer will be provided during the course; (C) a translation of the Iliad with the Greek text is necessary; (D) A. Ercolani, Omero. Introduzione allo studio dell’epica greca arcaica (Carocci: Roma 2006).

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, workshops, seminars.

Type of evaluation

The examination is oral and consists of two parts. The first part consists of several questions on the topics dealt with in sections I and II of the course, supplemented by the history of literature textbook (point A of the Bibliography) and the volume indicated in point D of the Bibliography (from which attending students are exempt). This first part of the examination may be taken as a written exemption on a reduced number of questions, to be completed in a maximum time of 2 hours (maximum mark 20/30). The papers will be assessed, in addition to the general correctness of the answers, for clarity of exposition and mastery of critical language. The examination is deemed passed if the mark reaches 12/30. The second part of the examination consists of an essay on translation and analysis (linguistic, literary, historical) of the text read and illustrated in section III of the course (maximum mark 10/30). There are both exercises and in itinere tests, the result of which will not affect the final assessment. Erasmus students may also take the examination in English, French or German.