knowledge of the generalities of urban archeology and the problems of archaeological research in multi-layered sites; knowledge of the history of the archaeological knowledge of the city of Rome; knowledge of the system of cartographic, archival, narrative and archaeological sources for the knowledge of the city of Rome and their repertoires; ability to communicate the acquired information orally
teacher profile | teaching materials


After an introduction on the concept of urban archeology and its history, the course aims to present the system of sources, written, cartographic, iconographic and archaeological, for the reconstruction of the urban landscapes of the city of Rome and to outline the main phases of their transformations, from ancient to modern times. It will be articulated in particular in the following points:
Cartographic sources: characteristics of urban cartography; history of the cartography of the city of Rome from the Roman age to the modern age; repertoires of cartographic sources for the city of Rome.
Iconographic sources: the representation of the city in medieval, Renaissance and modern art.
Written and archival sources: function of written and archival sources for understanding the urban landscape; repertoires of written sources for the history of the city of Rome; introduction to archival research methods; Roman archives and archival funds useful for research on the urban landscape.
Archaeological sources: problems and methods of archaeological research on multi-layered urban sites, with examples taken from some sample cases.
Analysis of some building structures and types (urban walls, housing) that have most strongly marked the transformation of the urban landscape of the city, from antiquity to the modern age.
Analysis of a sample case, which simplifies, through the deepening of an area subject to an important urban archeology study, the methods and potential of this research approach: the area of the Campus Martius.

Core Documentation

For non-attending students only, handouts will be placed in the 'Materials' folder of Teams.

Type of delivery of the course

face-to-face lectures

Type of evaluation

For attending students there are no texts, but the exam will focus on what was said in class and on the materials made available on Teams For non-attending students, texts (articles and parts of books out of copyright) will be uploaded.