ability to understand, in a historical perspective, the fundamental concepts and methods of archaeological research, also with respect to other disciplines both humanistic and scientific; orientation skills in the partitions of the discipline formed with the methodological maturation of these last generations, also in relation to the theoretical debate within archeology; ability to reflect on the external image of the discipline and its role in contemporary society; acquisition of the lexicon of archeology and its basic investigative tools; knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of stratigraphic excavation (identification, collection, analysis and interpretation of archaeological data in the field and in the laboratory) in light of its aims of knowledge and historical reconstruction; significant knowledge of the history of the discipline in relation to the archaeological excavation; acquisition of the basics for a professional approach to stratigraphic investigation, which also includes the ability to insert it in the scientific, social and ethical context of reference and the ability to transfer information to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
teacher profile | teaching materials

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

oral exam