basic knowledge and understanding of classical archeology as a study of Greek and Roman art in its historical development through the analysis of the most significant architectural, urban planning, artistic and artisanal achievements produced in the Mediterranean regions from the 12th century BC to the 5th century AD ability to communicate information and ideas orally
teacher profile teaching materials
Introduction to Roman art: from the archaic period to the principality of Constantine the Great
2. IL CRICCO DI TEODORO, Itinerario nell’arte. Dalla preistoria all’arte romana, Versione gialla (maior), Zanichelli ed., VOL. 1 (chapters 3-6, 8 and any connected itineraries);
3. IL CRICCO DI TEODORO, Itinerario nell’arte. Dalla preistoria all’arte romana, Versione gialla (maior), Zanichelli ed., VOL. 2 (chapters on roman art and any connected itineraries)
4. A.M. RICCOMINI, Il ritratto, Carocci Editore
Introduction to Roman art: from the archaic period to the principality of Constantine the Great
Core Documentation
1. lecture notes2. IL CRICCO DI TEODORO, Itinerario nell’arte. Dalla preistoria all’arte romana, Versione gialla (maior), Zanichelli ed., VOL. 1 (chapters 3-6, 8 and any connected itineraries);
3. IL CRICCO DI TEODORO, Itinerario nell’arte. Dalla preistoria all’arte romana, Versione gialla (maior), Zanichelli ed., VOL. 2 (chapters on roman art and any connected itineraries)
4. A.M. RICCOMINI, Il ritratto, Carocci Editore
Reference Bibliography
Any other further reading on specific study topics will be provided during the lessonsType of delivery of the course
lectures in the classroom and at sites and museums in RomeAttendance
Recommended attendanceType of evaluation
At the end of the module on Roman art there is a written exemption test. The final exam will be oral.