The general purpose of the course is to provide students of the three-year degree, at the beginning of the training course in art history, the tools for the study of the history of modern art, and in particular to give way to acquire the practice of stylistic analysis and the awareness of its historical-critical implications through lectures, exercises, seminars, visits to churches and museums.
The course focuses on one of the essential tools of the history of art, the reading of style: collective reading exercises will be accompanied by an analysis of the centrality of reflection on style in the history of European art from the 15th to the 18th century.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course focuses on one of the essential tools of art history, the understanding of style: collective exercises in analysis of art works will be combined with a review of the role of reflection on style in the history of European art from the 15th to the 18th century.

Core Documentation

1) The study of the art history textbook for the 15th-18th centuries is required. A textbook of your choice from the following is suggested (volumes related to the indicated centuries are to be considered):

- P. De Vecchi-E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milano Bompiani
- C. Bertelli-G. Briganti, Storia dell’arte, Milano Electa o Milano Bruno Mondadori
- S. Settis-T. Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile, Milano Arnoldo Mondadori

2) L. Bellosi, Buffalmacco e il Trionfo della morte, [1° edizione Torino Einaudi 1974], ristampa Milano 5 Continents 2003 o Milano Abscondita 2016

Other texts will be given recommendations at the beginning of the lectures.

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

oral exam