The course aims to provide the methodological tools of the art-historical discipline, extending the investigation to visual culture. Skills will be acquired to study works of art in their historical, cultural and visual context, to read and interpret primary sources, to recognise and trace the dynamics of transmedia circulation of images.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to critically examine the origins and history of the term "Primitivism" from late Nineteenth century to European European avant-gardes by highlighting their multiple and conflicting meanings.
Central themes of the course will be the "exotic" imaginary pervading European modern art and the reception of art and ethnographic objects from non-European cultures that arrived in Italy and Europe in the years when colonialist politics increased.
Finally, exhibition projects dedicated to non-European arts will be analyzed and compared to examine their narratives, terminologies, and exhibition strategies.

Core Documentation

Bibliographic references will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Reference Bibliography

Further bibliographic suggestions will be provided during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, on-site visits to museum collections and temporary exhibitions; workshops on art-historical research involving active contributions from students.


Attendance is recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination at the end of the course, with a grade in thirtieths and possible honors. The threshold for passing the exam is set at 18/30. The following constitute elements of evaluation: depth and breadth of knowledge acquired, proficiency of specialized terminology.