The Archeology Laboratory was designed to meet the need for specific training in this field of research that takes place in the field.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course classes (in presence or only if necessary in videoconference) and visits, during which space will be given for practical exercise, take highly into consideration the specialized nature of the laboratory and the heterogeneity of its participants.
The archaeo-lab course focuses on the study and on the handling of the archaeological materials.
Within the frame of a long chronological timespan and of a large geographical horizon, several types of materials, together with their production processes, will be examined (from the pre-historic phase to the more recent and modern ones). A further analysis on the decoration of selected productions (in ceramic, metal or vitreous materials) will be then carried out.
The issues related to the cataloguing and classification of the archaeological findings and the compilation of the data records entry will be preliminary discussed.
Nevertheless, aspects related to the acquisition of scientific information (for the purpose of study or restoration of the materials) will be explored and a few notions about technical drawing and data digitization will be provided. The practical side of the lessons will be exploited throughout lectures, simulations, exercises and external visits.
During the course, the students will be trained in the field of the pottery studies, of the architectonic decoration (in terracotta or marble). Furthermore, they will be also introduced, thanks to the use of optical instrumentation and digital tools, to the study of the different types of materials (clay, vitreous, metal and stone).

Core Documentation

Specific bibliography will be provided during the lessons; one to one meetings during the teacher’s office hours are recommended.

Reference Bibliography

§ Pottery /Texts in english or french-: -Near East R. Amiran, Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land from its beginnings in the Neolithic Period to the end of the Iron Age (Eng. Ed.), Ramat Gan-Jerusalem 1969/New Brunswick NJ 1970. E. de Balanda, A. Uribe Echevarrìa, Les métamorphoses de l’azur: l’Art de l’azulejo dans le monde latin, Belforte del Chienti-MC 2002. J.-C. Gardin, Code pour l’analyse des formes de poteries (CNRS, Centre de recherches archéologiques Analyse Documentaire et Calcul en Archéologie), Parigi 1985. M. Yon (Ed.), Dictionnaire illustré multilingue de la céramique du Proche Orient Ancien (IFPO, Collection de la Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen 10, série archéologique 7), Lione 1981. M. Al-Maqdissi, V. Matoïan, C. Nicolle (Eds.), Céramique de l’Âge du Bronze en Syrie, I. la Syrie du sud et la vallée de l’Oronte (IFAPO serie BAH 161), Beirut 2002. M. Al-Maqdissi, V. Matoïan, C. Nicolle (Eds.), Céramique de l’Âge du Bronze en Syrie, II. L’Euphrate et la région de Jézireh (IFPO serie BAH 180), Beirut 2007. M. Medley, The Chinese Potter. A practical history of Chinese ceramics, London 1976 (reprints 1998/1999). _Greece, Magna Graecia, Amphorae J. Boardman, Athenian Black Figure Vases, a handbook, Londra 1974 (reprinted 2003). J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period, a handbook, Londra 1975 (reprinted 1997). J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Classical Period, a handbook, Londra 1989 (reprinted 2001). J. Boardman, La céramique antique, Parigi 1985 (Edizione italiana: La ceramica antica -Mondadori/Kodansha- Milano 1984). E. Denoyelle, E. Lippolis, M. Mazzei, Cl. Pouzadoux (Éds.), La céramique apulienne : bilan et perspectives. Actes de la Table-Ronde (Naples 2000) (Collection CJB 21), Napoli 2005. P. Munzi Santoriello, Les fours de potiers et la production céramique à Laos (Calabre), in J.-P. Brun (Éd.), Artisanats antiques d’Italie et de Gaule. Mélanges offerts à Maria Francesca Buonaiuto (Coll. CJB 32, Archéologie de l’artisanat antique 2), Napoli 2009: 265-283. C. Pouzadox, De la formation du maître à celle de l’atélier : le peintre de Darius comme passeur de savoir, in : C. Noacco, C. Bonnet, P. Marot, C. Orfanos (Éds.), Figures du maître. De l’autorité à l’autonomie (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. Interférence), Parigi 2013: 271-296. A.D. Trendall, Red Figure Vases of South Italy and Sicily, a handbook, Londra 1989. _other productions M. Sciallano, P. Sibella, Amphores comment les identifier?, Aix-en-Provence 1991.

Type of delivery of the course

Tradictional The course classes -for a total of 36 lessons hours- (and visits -if possible-), will be held in presence -or if necessary- in videoconference. The idoneità is achieved having regular attendance (which is highly recommended) and an active participation in the practical exercises which are meant to help the students with learning the handling / study / cataloguing of the materials (necessary for the purposes of assessing the students’ positive grade and obtaining the necessary credits); an end-of-course exam will be scheduled following the academic calendar.


Regular attendance, Practical exercises, Written short paper are necessary for a students’ positive grade during the end-of-course exam.

Type of evaluation

Regular attendance with an active participation in the practical exercises and a written short paper is requested; an end-of-course exam it is necessary for the purposes of assessing the students’ positive grade (“idoneità”) and obtaining the necessary credits.