20710185 - Laboratory GIS and Cultural Heritage

The workshop aims to offer theoretical and practical knowledge on the tools for the recognition, valorisation and patrimonialisation of cultural heritage, through the acquisition of technical and IT skills. In particular, each student will be introduced to the use of GIS software for the creation of a geodatabase for the census and geolocation of the assets under study, which also takes into account the processes of territorialisation that have taken place over time in the geographical context under investigation.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710185 Laboratorio GIS e Beni culturali in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 CARALLO SARA


The Laboratory aims to offer theoretical and practical knowledge on the tools for the recognition, enhancement and capitalization of cultural heritage, through the acquisition of technical and IT skills. In particular, each student will be introduced to the use of GIS software for the creation of a geodatabase for the census and geolocation of the assets under study, which also takes into account the territorialization processes that have taken place over time in the geographical context investigated.

Core Documentation

Grava Massimiliano, Camillo Berti, Nicola Gabellieri e Arturo Gallia (2020), Historical GIS. Strumenti digitali per la geografia storica in Italia. Trieste, EUT.

Type of delivery of the course

The lessons in presence, which total 36 hours (6 CFU), will be held in classrooms and accompanied by image projections. The lessons are structured in such a way as to offer a moment of confrontation and continuous participation.


Mandatory attendance

Type of evaluation

Oral presentation of the report by the individual student.