The course introduces the key theoretical tools developed by cultural anthropology with the aim of critically using the notions of culture, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, identity, and globalisation, developing critical capacities in the interpretation of today's world, in its diversity and inequalities. Students will acquire in-depth knowledge and adequate analytical skills to produce a spatio-temporal interpretation that is attentive to respond to the challenges posed by the contemporary global footprint.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710487 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 RIBEIRO COROSSACZ VALERIA


The course will offer an introduction to cultural anthropology using both historical and ethnographic perspectives. In the first part of the course, we will refer to specific examples from the history of anthropology to introduce some of the most important notions in anthropology and ethnography (culture, ethnic identity and classification, sex, gender, race). Discussions will be developed in order to understand how anthropological analysis and ethnographic experience deconstruct notions, classifications and identities considered as natural and inborn. The second part of the course will introduce students to the gender anthropological production and provide them with their specific theoretical skills to research on gender relations in different fields: family, reproduction, sexuality, sexual division of labor, gender difference.

Core Documentation

- Fabietti, Ugo, Elementi di Antropologia Culturale, Mondadori, 2015, (disponibile anche in versione digitale), le seguenti parti: Prima (Genesi e natura dell’antropologia culturale), Quarta (Sistemi di pensiero), Settima (Esperienza religiosa, pratica rituale), Nona (Risorse e potere), più il seguente saggio messo a disposizione dalla docente:
- Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, “Sesso e genere, oltre natura e cultura”, in Tempo, persona, valore. Saggi in omaggio a Pier Giorgio Solinas, a cura di A. Cutolo, S. Grilli, F. Viti, Argo, 2015, pp. 127-144;

A text chosen from the following:

- Mila Busoni, Genere, sesso, cultura. Uno sguardo antropologico, Carocci, 2000.
- Paola Tabet, La grande beffa, Rubbettino, 2004*.
- Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, Il corpo della nazione, Roma, Cisu, 2004.
- Leonardo Piasere, L’antiziganismo, Quodlibet, 2015 abbinato a Paola Tabet, La pelle giusta, 1998 (disponibile in ebook)
- Ugo Fabietti, L’identità etnica, Carocci, 2013.
- René Gallissot, Mondher Kilani, Annamaria Rivera, 2001 L'imbroglio etnico, in quattordici parole-chiave, Dedalo.
- Chiara Quagliariello, L’isola dove non si nasce. Lampedusa tra esperienze procreative, genere e migrazioni, Unicopli, 2021.

* https://www.store.rubbettinoeditore.it/la-grande-beffa.html
ebook: https://books.google.it/books/about/La_grande_beffa.html?id=8fuf4k9Qce0C&redir_esc=y

For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:

Dispensa Antropologia culturale:
- Sylvia Yanagisako e Jane Collier, “Genere sessuale e parentela: verso un’analisi unificata”, in L’antropologia culturale oggi, a cura di Robert Borofsky, Meltemi, 2000, pp. 236-247.
- Tabet P., ““Un elefante su cui farli viaggiare’. Il razzismo come ideologia insegnata e appresa”, in Tabet Paola e Di Bella Silvana (a cura di), Io non sono razzista, ma…. Strumenti per disimparare il razzismo, 1998, Anicia, pp.15-36.
- Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, “L’intersezione di razzismo e sessismo. Strumenti teorici per un’analisi della violenza maschile contro le donne”, in Antropologia, anno XIII, n. 15, 2013, pp. 109- 129;
- Simona Taliani, “Non esistono culture innocenti. Gli antropologi, le famiglie spossessate e i bambini adottabili”, in L’Uomo, n. 2, 2014, pp. 45-65.
- Abu-Lughod Lila, 2002 “Le donne musulmane hanno veramente bisogno di essere salvate? Riflessioni antropologiche sul relativismo culturale e i suoi altri”, pubblicato in ACHAB - Rivista di Antropologia, 2008.

Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).

Type of delivery of the course

The course is thought in Italian, is based on lectures and will be in presence. Students will be encouraged to participate, drawing connections between key concepts. Student’s involvement is particularly welcome through critical remarks and comments, starting from specific case studies and the literature. In order to involve students frontal teaching and collegial discussions will alternate. Articles and essays to read and comment together will be shared during classes. Students' participation will be evaluated for the grade of the final exam.

Type of evaluation

Exams will test general knowledge about the main topics presented during the course, and the theoretical tools acquired reading course books.