Understanding the major transformation processes of the 19th and 20th centuries, their manifestations in the western world and consequences in the different areas of the planet, as well as the main historiographical problems that emerged, with particular attention to the processes of modernisation and nationalisation, the advent of mass society and international dynamics.
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Mutuazione: 20710669 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 MATTERA PAOLO


Introduction: the transition from the 'Old Regime' to contemporary society. The first industrial revolution. The revolutions of 1848. The Idea of Nation. Mid 19th century Europe: the capitalist-industrial society. The liberal and constitutional system: the British model. A new political model: the France of Napoleon III. New world balances and the domination of Europe. The 'great divergence': Europe, China and India in the mid-19th century. The birth of a power: the United States between the Civil War and expansion to the West. The 'second' industrial revolution. The advent of mass society. Mass politics. The labour movement and Marxism. Nationalism. Democratic and authoritarian political systems. The condition of women in 19th century society. Imperialism.
The Great War as a 'total' war: contingent causes, long-term causes and effects. The revolution in Russia. The advent of fascism in Italy. The fragile stability of the 'roaring' 1920s. The great crisis of 1929: causes and consequences. Roosevelt's 'New Deal' in the United States. The rise of Nazism and the Third Reich. The Fascist Regime in Italy. Stalinism. Totalitarianism and democracy. The Second World War: the causes of the war. The end of the war: the reasons for the Axis defeat and the victory of the Allies. The Shoah.
The Cold War: the origins and early developments. Decolonisation: an overview and the basic features. Communisms: the Chinese Revolution and 'destalinisation' in the Soviet Union. The 'welfare society': new consumption and customs. The United States as a world power: from Eisenhower to Kennedy's 'New Frontier' to the war in Vietnam. The new youth culture: rock, pop and new customs. Feminism. 1968 and the season of the 'movements'. The 1973 oil crisis and the contradictions of the 1970s. The so-called 'neo-liberal' turn and the new consumer society of the 1980s. The crisis of communism. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

Core Documentation

1) First Module: 6 CFU

- Alberto Mario Banti, Vol. 1 “L’età contemporanea. Dalle rivoluzioni settecentesche all’Imperialismo” (chapter. 1 and from chapter. 7 to the end), Laterza, Vol. 2 "L’età Contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi", Laterza;
- Lucio Caracciolo, Adriano Roccucci, "Storia contemporanea", Le Monnier Università, 2017;
- Tommaso Detti, Giovanni Gozzini, “Storia Contemporanea”, Vol. 1 - L’Ottocento (chapter. 2 and from chapter 6 to the end) Pearson e Vol. 2 - Il Novecento, Pearson

a) Ian Kersaw, “Hitler e l’enigma del consenso”, Laterza
b) Mario Del Pero, “La Guerra Fredda”, Carocci

Type of delivery of the course

Wednesday, 11-13 Thursday, 11-13 Friday, 11-14



Type of evaluation

Written test with closed and open-ended questions FIRST MODULE The examination is conducted as follows: - 10 questions with closed answers on topics from the 19th and 20th centuries. No notional questions will be asked. Instead, questions with reasoning will be proposed, for which you will have the choice of three answers. - Then there are the open-ended questions. - One question on the 19th century - Two questions on the 1900s SECOND MODULE For those who are required to register 12 Cfu and must also take the second module are added: - One open-ended question on the book "Hitler and the Enigma of Consensus". - One open-ended question on the book "The Cold War". Therefore: - The examination for 6 cfu includes the 10 closed-ended questions plus the first three open-ended questions; - The examination for 12 cfu includes the 10 closed-ended questions plus the first three open-ended questions.