oral testKnowledge of photographic and photogrammetric survey techniques for the documentation of cultural heritage; digital image acquisition and processing; knowledge of editorial processes and print reproduction techniques.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop aims to provide basic knowledge of the research, acquisition, production, archiving, processing and use of photographic images for cultural heritage

Core Documentation

The reference bibliography will be shared in the course of the lectures.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is divided into three interconnected components - frontal lessons of general framework; - frontal lectures and practical exercises on the digital processing of photographic images with hints on graphic design for publishing; - seminars with operators, professionals and scholars active in the knowledge, conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage.

Type of evaluation

Individual exercises and final paper.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop aims to provide basic knowledge of the research, acquisition, production, archiving, processing and use of photographic images for cultural heritage.

Core Documentation

The reference bibliography will be shared in the course of the lectures.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is divided into three interconnected components - frontal lessons of general framework; - frontal lectures and practical exercises on the digital processing of photographic images with hints on graphic design for publishing; - seminars with operators, professionals and scholars active in the knowledge, conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage.

Type of evaluation

Individual exercises and final paper.