basic knowledge and understanding of the history of contemporary art in its chronological development (19th-20th century); ability to read works of art; ability to communicate the acquired notions orally
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course of History of Modern and Contemporary Art (i.e. 19th and 20th centuries) is part of the degree program in Archaeology and Art History. As part of the three-year course, the course aims to provide:
1) a basic knowledge of the main trends and manifestations of Western art in the 19th and 20th centuries;
2) the skills to contextualize, analyze and critically interpret the works of artists who worked in this chronological span;
3) the lexical and conceptual tools necessary for the study of contemporary art history and useful for acquiring good expository skills.
For students with a 6 CFU program, the course will be divided into two parts, the first devoted to the 19th century (lectures 1-16, beginning Oct. 2, 2024), the second devoted to the 20th century (lectures 17-32, with an approximate start date of Nov. 6, 2024). The remaining hours will be devoted to museums visits.

Core Documentation

12 CFU:
– C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Bruno Mondadori Arte, Milano-Torino 2011, vol 4. Dal Barocco all’Art Nouveau (dall’unità 23 all’unità 26 comprese); vol. 5, Novecento e oltre, per intero.
_C. Bertelli, Invito all’arte, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2017, vol. 4 Dal Barocco all’Impressionismo (limitatamente ai capitoli a partire dal Neoclassicismo); vol. 5 Dal Postimpressionismo a oggi, per intero.

– Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
F. Rovati, L’arte dell’Ottocento, Einaudi, Torino 2017;
A. Del Puppo, Arte contemporanea. Tra le due guerre, Carocci, Roma 2021;
C. Zambianchi, Arte contemporanea. Dall’espressionismo astratto alla pop art, Carocci, Roma 2011;
A. Del Puppo (a cura di), Arte italiana. Un percorso in cinquanta opere dal Romanticismo alla video performance, Carocci, Roma 2024.
I non frequentanti sono invitati a integrare la preparazione con lo studio del volume di F. Rovati, L’arte del primo Novecento, Einaudi, Torino 2015.

Students supposed to take 6CFU can choose Program 1 (19th century) or Program 2 (20th century).
Program 1 : 1789-1905
– C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Bruno Mondadori Arte, Milano-Torino 2011, vol 4. Dal Barocco all’Art Nouveau (dall’unità 23 all’unità 26 comprese); vol. 5, Novecento e oltre, unità 27; OR C. Bertelli, Invito all’arte, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2017, vol. 4 Dal Barocco all’Impressionismo; vol. 5 Dal Postimpressionismo a oggi (same periodization)
– F. Rovati, L’arte dell’Ottocento, Einaudi, Torino 2017.

Program 2: 1905-2000
– C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Bruno Mondadori Arte, Milano-Torino 2011, vol. 5, Novecento e oltre OR C. Bertelli, Invito all’arte, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2017, vol. 5 Dal Postimpressionismo a oggi.
– one text of your choice from the following:
A. Del Puppo, Arte contemporanea. Tra le due guerre, Carocci, Roma 2021;
C. Zambianchi, Arte contemporanea. Dall’espressionismo astratto alla pop art, Carocci, Roma 2011.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two portions: first an exercise of connoisseurship, focusing on an artwork shown during the lectures, then a short series of questions to assess students' preparation. In evaluating the examination, the determination of the final grade will take into account some elements, such as for example: level and quality of subject knowledge; the ability to analyze a topic critically; the logic of arguments in support of a thesis; the ability to apply theories and concepts to contexts; the use of vocabulary appropriate to the History of Modern and Contemporary Art.