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Mutuazione: 20702453 LETTERATURA DELLE ORIGINI CRISTIANE L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 D'ANNA ALBERTO


Title 2018-2019: Peter and Paul in Rome, between history and legend (I-III century)

Course description: from the end of the second century, the presence in Rome of the "trophies" of Peter and Paul is attested. Not much, however, do we know of the last phase of the lives of the two apostles, through historically reliable sources. On the other hand, in the second century begins the production of apocrypha (Acts of Peter, Acts of Paul) that have Peter and Paul as protagonists and the capital of the Empire as a place of many of the events narrated. The module proposes to deepen, according to various perspectives of investigation (philologico-critical, linguistic-literary, historico-doctrinal), these works, with special attention to the sections set in Rome.

Core Documentation

Materials for the lessons (critical editions of Lipsius and Vouaux, Italian translations of Erbetta and Moraldi, scientific bibliography) will be provided by the teacher.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is a seminar and involves the active participation of students.


For students who are unable to attend, there are adjustments to the program; they are therefore invited to contact the teacher.

Type of evaluation

Interview with the teacher on the program of the course.