teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702457 LINGUA E LETTERATURA LATINA ROMANOBARBARICA L. M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 LUCERI ANGELO


The course will offer a presentation about the literary context of the "De reditu", an incomplete work in elegiac couplets, in which Rutilius Namatianus wrote the report of his journey from Rome to Gaul Narbonensis, land of origin and place of return and escape from barbarian raids. With particular attention to the aspects of form, style and metric we will proceed with the integral reading, interpretation and commentary of the poem, destined to assume, perhaps involuntarily, a real epoch-making dimension.

Core Documentation

- Rutilio Namaziano, Il ritorno, a cura di A. Fo, Torino, Einaudi, 1992 [19942] [oppure Rutilio Namaziano, Il ritorno, a cura di S. Pozzato e A. Rodighiero, Torino, N. Aragno, 2011].
- Further teaching materials will be distributed in class and / or uploaded to the teacher's page available on the website of the Department of Humanities.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text:
- F. Gasti, Profilo storico della letteratura tardolatina, Pavia University Press, 2013
(only chapters: 1-4, 8-9, 11-12, 23-26, 28-29).

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching organization: Lectures hours 36. Mode of delivery of teaching: Traditional

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and takes place at the end of the course, without intermediate tests. It will focus on the texts in the program and on the topics presented during the lessons. The mark is expressed on a scale from a minimum of 18 (the threshold to pass the exam) to the maximum of 30 (cum laude). Marks below 18 will be equivalent to insufficient assessment of learning.