knowledge of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to interpret artifacts in their historical and socio-economic context; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
teacher profile | teaching materials


Etruscan Tomb Painting: a selection of painted tombs of particular interest (7th - 3rd cent. B.C.)

Architecture, technique of painting, history of discovery and research, chronology, iconography, interpretation and ideology.

Core Documentation

See titles under "Italiano" !

Reference Bibliography

Other recommendable textss will be communicated at the first meeting.

Type of delivery of the course

In form of seminar in the first semester (october 2018 - january 2019) with obligatory partecipation ! The seminar will be organized without frontal lectures and regular time table but with meetings in the old site of the Dept. at Piazza della Repubblica 10 (Aula Didattica), in Museums and archaeological sites as Tarquinia. Beginning of the seminar: October 5th from 11 to 13 in Aula 4

Type of evaluation

Paper and discussion in oral form with a written summary at the end of the semester !