The course aims to show the development of Roman artistic production, between the middle republican age and the early Constantinian age, in particular classes of materials chosen from year to year. The theme of the 2018/2019 course is painting, and classroom lessons are necessarily accompanied by educational visits to museums, monuments and sites, in Rome and the surrounding area, that still offer the opportunity to appreciate this form of artistic expression, which has also influenced later european art, both for continuity and for rediscovery by the Renaissance artists
teacher profile | teaching materials


Roman painting: evolution, techniques and styles

Core Documentation

Ida Baldassarre, Pittura romana: dall'ellenismo al tardo-antico, Federico Motta Editore, 2006 (or other editions)

Reference Bibliography

during the lessons another bibliography will be indicated

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures in the classroom and visits to museums and monuments significant for Roman painting

Type of evaluation

Oral exam at the end of the course on the topics developed in the classroom and treated in the reference bibliography