20710060 - HISTORY...


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710060 STORIA DELLA CARTOGRAFIA in Storia e società LM-84 MASETTI CARLA


The course will reconstruct the historical evolution of cartography, retracing the modes of representation from antiquity to the eighteenth-century geodetic revolution, up to the creation of the Military Geographic Institute. Particular emphasis will be given to the deconstruction of geocartographic materials, to their use in geo-historical research for the study of landscape transformations.

Core Documentation

Attending students:
- slides in ppt, lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
- A.Cantile, Lineamenti di storia della Cartografia, Roma, Geoweb, 2013 (vol. I, Dalle origini al Cinquecento).
- D. Woodward, Cartografia a stampa nell'Italia del Rinascimento: produttori, distributori e destinatari, Bergamo 2002.

Type of evaluation

Written test, with open answer questions

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710060 STORIA DELLA CARTOGRAFIA in Storia e società LM-84 MASETTI CARLA


The course will reconstruct the historical evolution of cartography, retracing the modes of representation from antiquity to the eighteenth-century geodetic revolution, up to the creation of the Military Geographic Institute. Particular emphasis will be given to the deconstruction of geocartographic materials, to their use in geo-historical research for the study of landscape transformations.

Core Documentation

Attending students:
- slides in ppt, lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course.
Non-Attending Students:
- A.Cantile, Lineamenti di storia della Cartografia, Roma, Geoweb, 2013 (vol. I, Dalle origini al Cinquecento).
- D. Woodward, Cartografia a stampa nell'Italia del Rinascimento: produttori, distributori e destinatari, Bergamo 2002.

Type of evaluation

Written test, with open answer questions