Students will obtain the basic competencies for evaluating, analyzing and reading the religious phenomenon in a historical approach and its consequences on modern culture; Specifically they will focus on the study of religious places
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In the second unit of the course, attention will be given to the theme of space as connected to religions from a transdisciplinary perspective. This allows students to observe the religious stratification in a certain territory and theorize its dynamics and strategies. Religious sites are not only places of worship, they are also places where ownership, consuetude, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic resources, share capital have been challenged. This course provides students with theoretical knowledge of religious space/site, but also with results of some empirical researches about religious sites in cities that are increasingly heterogeneous because of human migration and diaspora phenomena. The main case study that will be examined is case of multi-faith places, in urban and extra-urban spaces.

Core Documentation

For attending students:
1. Notes taken and readings suggested during the course (see uploaded materials)
2. C. Russo, A. Saggioro, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni, Roma 2017.

3. The student is required to choose under the instructor's advice 4 articles from the following list:
Giorda 2016, Sacred places in urban spaces: a interdisciplinary perspective. “Historia Religionum”, 8

Non-attending students have to replace point 1 with the following:
D. Albera, M. Couroucli, I luoghi sacri comuni ai monoteismi. Tra cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013.

Reference Bibliography

See books adopted

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional courses and workshops

Type of evaluation

three questions about topics tackled during the lessons and/or books