Educational objectives
The course of Sources and historiography for the history of Christianity is part of the training activities characterizing the Master's Degree course in History and Society (LM84) and, as a second module of History of Christianity and of the Churches LM, is part of the characterizing training activities compulsory for the Master's Degree in Religion Sciences (LM64). The course, critically analyzing a specific theme, different each year, aims to provide students with: 1) a guide in the collection, reading and interpretation of different types of sources; 2) the tools for understanding the specific terminology of the discipline and for deepening the historiographical debates; 3) the skills needed to independently develop research work in the field of Christian history.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The communication of the sacred in the West Christianity in the early modern age

The course intends to take into consideration the historical and historiographical theme of the transmission of doctrines and religious experiences in the period of Protestant and Catholic reforms and of the confessional discipline (XVI-XVII century).
We will analyse the different sources through which the diffusion of the religious message took place (biblical texts, catechisms, preaching, religious literature, iconography, music) and the different expressions of devotion and spirituality that testify to their reception, with particular attention to the historiographical debate. on the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website).

2) PIETRO STELLA, Il libro religioso, a cura di MARIA LUPI, Roma, Viella, 2008, up to p. 197.

3) A book between:
- MICHELA CATTO, Un panopticon catechistico. L’arciconfraternita della dottrina cristiana a Roma in età moderna, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003.
- La musica dei semplici, L’altra Controriforma, a cura di STEFANIA NANNI, Roma, Viella, 2012.
- PAOLO PRODI, Arte e pietà nella Chiesa tridentina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
- Gli Italiani e la Bibbia nella prima età moderna. Leggere, interpretare, riscrivere, a cura di ERMINIA ARDISSINO e ÉLISE BOILLET, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (collection Études renaissantes).

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the early modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: Storia del Cristianesimo. L’età moderna, a cura di G. Filoramo e D. Menozzi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1995 or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to give students the ability to search, read and critically interpret historical sources and to deepen their knowledge by reading related historical essays, in order to provide them with methodological skills to independently develop their own research paths. There will therefore be lectures in methodological cutting and practical exercises in researching sources, discussing historiography and using tools and subsidies, including audio visual ones. Attending students will be invited to present the results of their research in class.


Frequency is not mandatory, but highly recommended because it allows students to deep more about the subject, participating in seminar activities.

Type of evaluation

During the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper. The final exam will be oral and will focus on three questions. For attending students one of these will be replaced by a discussion on the results of the research done during the course. For all the exam is aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired, the ability to interpret and contextualize the sources and the historiographical debates contained in the examination texts and to know how to critically process them through personal and original considerations.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The communication of the sacred in the West Christianity in the early modern age

The course intends to take into consideration the historical and historiographical theme of the transmission of doctrines and religious experiences in the period of Protestant and Catholic reforms and of the confessional discipline (XVI-XVII century).
We will analyse the different sources through which the diffusion of the religious message took place (biblical texts, catechisms, preaching, religious literature, iconography, music) and the different expressions of devotion and spirituality that testify to their reception, with particular attention to the historiographical debate. on the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website).

2) PIETRO STELLA, Il libro religioso, a cura di MARIA LUPI, Roma, Viella, 2008, up to p. 197.

3) A book between:
- MICHELA CATTO, Un panopticon catechistico. L’arciconfraternita della dottrina cristiana a Roma in età moderna, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003.
- La musica dei semplici, L’altra Controriforma, a cura di STEFANIA NANNI, Roma, Viella, 2012.
- PAOLO PRODI, Arte e pietà nella Chiesa tridentina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
- Gli Italiani e la Bibbia nella prima età moderna. Leggere, interpretare, riscrivere, a cura di ERMINIA ARDISSINO e ÉLISE BOILLET, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (collection Études renaissantes).

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the early modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: Storia del Cristianesimo. L’età moderna, a cura di G. Filoramo e D. Menozzi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1995 or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to give students the ability to search, read and critically interpret historical sources and to deepen their knowledge by reading related historical essays, in order to provide them with methodological skills to independently develop their own research paths. There will therefore be lectures in methodological cutting and practical exercises in researching sources, discussing historiography and using tools and subsidies, including audio visual ones. Attending students will be invited to present the results of their research in class.


Frequency is not mandatory, but highly recommended because it allows students to deep more about the subject, participating in seminar activities.

Type of evaluation

During the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper. The final exam will be oral and will focus on three questions. For attending students one of these will be replaced by a discussion on the results of the research done during the course. For all the exam is aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired, the ability to interpret and contextualize the sources and the historiographical debates contained in the examination texts and to know how to critically process them through personal and original considerations.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The communication of the sacred in the West Christianity in the early modern age

The course intends to take into consideration the historical and historiographical theme of the transmission of doctrines and religious experiences in the period of Protestant and Catholic reforms and of the confessional discipline (XVI-XVII century).
We will analyse the different sources through which the diffusion of the religious message took place (biblical texts, catechisms, preaching, religious literature, iconography, music) and the different expressions of devotion and spirituality that testify to their reception, with particular attention to the historiographical debate. on the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website).

2) PIETRO STELLA, Il libro religioso, a cura di MARIA LUPI, Roma, Viella, 2008, up to p. 197.

3) A book between:
- MICHELA CATTO, Un panopticon catechistico. L’arciconfraternita della dottrina cristiana a Roma in età moderna, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003.
- La musica dei semplici, L’altra Controriforma, a cura di STEFANIA NANNI, Roma, Viella, 2012.
- PAOLO PRODI, Arte e pietà nella Chiesa tridentina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
- Gli Italiani e la Bibbia nella prima età moderna. Leggere, interpretare, riscrivere, a cura di ERMINIA ARDISSINO e ÉLISE BOILLET, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (collection Études renaissantes).

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the early modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: Storia del Cristianesimo. L’età moderna, a cura di G. Filoramo e D. Menozzi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1995 or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to give students the ability to search, read and critically interpret historical sources and to deepen their knowledge by reading related historical essays, in order to provide them with methodological skills to independently develop their own research paths. There will therefore be lectures in methodological cutting and practical exercises in researching sources, discussing historiography and using tools and subsidies, including audio visual ones. Attending students will be invited to present the results of their research in class.


Frequency is not mandatory, but highly recommended because it allows students to deep more about the subject, participating in seminar activities.

Type of evaluation

During the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper. The final exam will be oral and will focus on three questions. For attending students one of these will be replaced by a discussion on the results of the research done during the course. For all the exam is aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired, the ability to interpret and contextualize the sources and the historiographical debates contained in the examination texts and to know how to critically process them through personal and original considerations.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The communication of the sacred in the West Christianity in the early modern age

The course intends to take into consideration the historical and historiographical theme of the transmission of doctrines and religious experiences in the period of Protestant and Catholic reforms and of the confessional discipline (XVI-XVII century).
We will analyse the different sources through which the diffusion of the religious message took place (biblical texts, catechisms, preaching, religious literature, iconography, music) and the different expressions of devotion and spirituality that testify to their reception, with particular attention to the historiographical debate. on the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website).

2) PIETRO STELLA, Il libro religioso, a cura di MARIA LUPI, Roma, Viella, 2008, up to p. 197.

3) A book between:
- MICHELA CATTO, Un panopticon catechistico. L’arciconfraternita della dottrina cristiana a Roma in età moderna, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003.
- La musica dei semplici, L’altra Controriforma, a cura di STEFANIA NANNI, Roma, Viella, 2012.
- PAOLO PRODI, Arte e pietà nella Chiesa tridentina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014.
- Gli Italiani e la Bibbia nella prima età moderna. Leggere, interpretare, riscrivere, a cura di ERMINIA ARDISSINO e ÉLISE BOILLET, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (collection Études renaissantes).

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the early modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: Storia del Cristianesimo. L’età moderna, a cura di G. Filoramo e D. Menozzi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1995 or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to give students the ability to search, read and critically interpret historical sources and to deepen their knowledge by reading related historical essays, in order to provide them with methodological skills to independently develop their own research paths. There will therefore be lectures in methodological cutting and practical exercises in researching sources, discussing historiography and using tools and subsidies, including audio visual ones. Attending students will be invited to present the results of their research in class.


Frequency is not mandatory, but highly recommended because it allows students to deep more about the subject, participating in seminar activities.

Type of evaluation

During the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper. The final exam will be oral and will focus on three questions. For attending students one of these will be replaced by a discussion on the results of the research done during the course. For all the exam is aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired, the ability to interpret and contextualize the sources and the historiographical debates contained in the examination texts and to know how to critically process them through personal and original considerations.