20703341 - MUSEOLOGY - L.M.

knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA


The nation's museum.
Museum experiences and nation-building processes in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia in the long nineteenth century.

From the Musée Napoleon in Paris to the National Gallery di Washington, from the Estense Gallery of Adolfo Venturi to the Berlin museums of Wilhelm von Bode, from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam to the Munal in Mexico City, the course will examine the ways in which different nations capitalize their cultural assets and make them protagonists of a narrative.

Core Documentation

Exam program

To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has studied extensively:

a) at least one of the following texts:
M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005
D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008.
L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli 2007.
D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004.
A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998.

b) at least one of the following texts:
M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011
F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008
S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait ( a cura di), The period rooms : allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016

c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course at http://studiumanistici.uniroma3.it/gcapitelli/museologia/

d) he/she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of a group of Roman museums whose list will be made known in class and will be published here at the end of the course (June 2020).

In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose two other texts from point a) or b).

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, workshops, museum visits

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of an oral test. The student who attended the course undergoes some topics covered in the course and others analyzed in the bibliography adopted. The non-attending student must instead demonstrate to have studied in depth the texts of the exam program. The rating scale is 30/30. Evaluation elements are: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge acquired; 2) the ownership of language and the mastery of the sector vocabulary; 3) the ability to critically link issues and problems addressed.