The course provides advanced abilities in undestanding and make use of the notions of cultural diversity, relativism, ethnicity, globalization, in order to: develop a critical knowledge of the relation between different societies, the ability to contextualize societies and cultures, the ability to interpret cultural phenomena and processes though space and time, the ability to manage cultural complexity


teacher profile | teaching materials


The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology: basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method, the different subjects of anthropological knowledge, and processes of globalization will be introduced in a historical view.
The second part will focus on magic and witchcraft, through the notion of history, power, body and relatedness. In particular lessons will address belief between spirituality and matter, rationalities and systems of belief, the role of historical and colonial aspects.

Core Documentation

Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012.
(Students who already passed though an exam in Cultural Anthropology are requested to contact the teacher for a different text)

One of the following books:

Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008.
Brivio, Alessandra, Il vodu in Africa, Viella, 2012.
Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002.
Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.

Non attending students should add:
Rivière, Claude, Introduzione all'antropologia (cap. V: "antropologia politica" e cap. VI: "antropologia religiosa"), Il Mulino, 1998.

Type of delivery of the course

Students involvement is particularly welcome, through critical remarks and comments, starting from specific case studies and the literature. In order to involve students frontal teaching and collegial discussions will alternate. Articles and essays to read and comment together will be shared during classes.

Type of evaluation

Oral evaluation

teacher profile | teaching materials


The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology: basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method, the different subjects of anthropological knowledge, and processes of globalization will be introduced in a historical view.
The second part will focus on magic and witchcraft, through the notion of history, power, body and relatedness. In particular lessons will address belief between spirituality and matter, rationalities and systems of belief, the role of historical and colonial aspects.

Core Documentation

Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012.
(Students who already passed though an exam in Cultural Anthropology are requested to contact the teacher for a different text)

One of the following books:

Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008.
Brivio, Alessandra, Il vodu in Africa, Viella, 2012.
Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002.
Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.

Non attending students should add:
Rivière, Claude, Introduzione all'antropologia (cap. V: "antropologia politica" e cap. VI: "antropologia religiosa"), Il Mulino, 1998.

Type of delivery of the course

Students involvement is particularly welcome, through critical remarks and comments, starting from specific case studies and the literature. In order to involve students frontal teaching and collegial discussions will alternate. Articles and essays to read and comment together will be shared during classes.

Type of evaluation

Oral evaluation

teacher profile | teaching materials


The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology: basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method, the different subjects of anthropological knowledge, and processes of globalization will be introduced in a historical view.
The second part will focus on magic and witchcraft, through the notion of history, power, body and relatedness. In particular lessons will address belief between spirituality and matter, rationalities and systems of belief, the role of historical and colonial aspects.

Core Documentation

Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012.
(Students who already passed though an exam in Cultural Anthropology are requested to contact the teacher for a different text)

One of the following books:

Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008.
Brivio, Alessandra, Il vodu in Africa, Viella, 2012.
Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002.
Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.

Non attending students should add:
Rivière, Claude, Introduzione all'antropologia (cap. V: "antropologia politica" e cap. VI: "antropologia religiosa"), Il Mulino, 1998.

Type of delivery of the course

Students involvement is particularly welcome, through critical remarks and comments, starting from specific case studies and the literature. In order to involve students frontal teaching and collegial discussions will alternate. Articles and essays to read and comment together will be shared during classes.

Type of evaluation

Oral evaluation