
teacher profile | teaching materials


The first teaching unit (6 cfu) will deal with the ways in which notions of "human" take shape in the Early modern European context between the beginning of the Sixteenth and the end of the Eighteenth century. The framework within which the path will unfold is open: what do we mean for "Europe" in the Early modern age? To respond, our gaze must necessarily be addressed to the world and to the encounter with the Other in its various forms.

The second teaching unit (6 cfu) intends to address the history of gender and sexuality within a European perspective, keeping a connection with the history of the notion of "human" sketched in the first section of the course.

Core Documentation

First teaching unit (6 cfu):

- P. Prodi, Homo europaeus, Bologna, il Mulino, 2015

- S. Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo: quando l'Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2018

- L. Hunt, La forza dell'empatia. Una storia dei diritti dell'uomo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010

Second teaching unit (6 cfu):

M. Foucault, Storia della sessualità, 1: La volontà di sapere, Milano, Feltrinelli (tutte le edizioni)

M.E. Wiesner, Le donne nell’Europa moderna (1500-1750), Introduzione di A. Groppi, Torino, Einaudi 2017 (oppure 2003)

U. Grassi, Sodoma: persecuzioni, affetti, pratiche sociali (secoli V-XVIII), Roma, Carocci, 2019

teacher profile | teaching materials


The first teaching unit (6 cfu) will deal with the ways in which notions of "human" take shape in the Early modern European context between the beginning of the Sixteenth and the end of the Eighteenth century. The framework within which the path will unfold is open: what do we mean for "Europe" in the Early modern age? To respond, our gaze must necessarily be addressed to the world and to the encounter with the Other in its various forms.

The second teaching unit (6 cfu) intends to address the history of gender and sexuality within a European perspective, keeping a connection with the history of the notion of "human" sketched in the first section of the course.

Core Documentation

First teaching unit (6 cfu):

- P. Prodi, Homo europaeus, Bologna, il Mulino, 2015

- S. Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo: quando l'Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2018

- L. Hunt, La forza dell'empatia. Una storia dei diritti dell'uomo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010

Second teaching unit (6 cfu):

M. Foucault, Storia della sessualità, 1: La volontà di sapere, Milano, Feltrinelli (tutte le edizioni)

M.E. Wiesner, Le donne nell’Europa moderna (1500-1750), Introduzione di A. Groppi, Torino, Einaudi 2017 (oppure 2003)

U. Grassi, Sodoma: persecuzioni, affetti, pratiche sociali (secoli V-XVIII), Roma, Carocci, 2019

teacher profile | teaching materials


The first teaching unit (6 cfu) will deal with the ways in which notions of "human" take shape in the Early modern European context between the beginning of the Sixteenth and the end of the Eighteenth century. The framework within which the path will unfold is open: what do we mean for "Europe" in the Early modern age? To respond, our gaze must necessarily be addressed to the world and to the encounter with the Other in its various forms.

The second teaching unit (6 cfu) intends to address the history of gender and sexuality within a European perspective, keeping a connection with the history of the notion of "human" sketched in the first section of the course.

Core Documentation

First teaching unit (6 cfu):

- P. Prodi, Homo europaeus, Bologna, il Mulino, 2015

- S. Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo: quando l'Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2018

- L. Hunt, La forza dell'empatia. Una storia dei diritti dell'uomo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010

Second teaching unit (6 cfu):

M. Foucault, Storia della sessualità, 1: La volontà di sapere, Milano, Feltrinelli (tutte le edizioni)

M.E. Wiesner, Le donne nell’Europa moderna (1500-1750), Introduzione di A. Groppi, Torino, Einaudi 2017 (oppure 2003)

U. Grassi, Sodoma: persecuzioni, affetti, pratiche sociali (secoli V-XVIII), Roma, Carocci, 2019