teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702717 STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA MEDIEVALE - L.M. in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 IPPOLITO BENEDETTO


The examination program will concern the Commentary of Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle's Metaphysics, with particular regard to the main questions concerning ontology and theology.
A comparative knowledge of the multiple lines of interpretation of the philosophy of Aristotle of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries is required.

Core Documentation

A. De Libera, La filosofia medievale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1991.
E. Gilson, Il Tomismo, Jaca Book, Milano, 2008.
Tommaso d’Aquino, Commento alla Metafisica di Aristotele, ESD, Bologna 2009, Vol. III, Libro 12.
Giovanni Duns Scoto, Commento alle Sentenze. Ordinatio. Libro primo. Distinzione terza, Casa Mariana Editrice, Frigento (AV) 2018.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes: Frontal teaching; Discussions with students and debates on the topics covered. Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.


The course includes: Frontal teaching; Discussions with students and debates on the topics covered. Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Verification of learning takes place through an oral test.