Educational objectives
The course of Sources and historiography for the history of Christianity is part of the training activities characterizing the Master's Degree course in History and Society (LM84) and, as a second module of History of Christianity and of the Churches LM, is part of the characterizing training activities compulsory for the Master's Degree in Religion Sciences (LM64). The course, critically analyzing a specific theme, different each year, aims to provide students with: 1) a guide in the collection, reading and interpretation of different types of sources; 2) the tools for understanding the specific terminology of the discipline and for deepening the historiographical debates; 3) the skills needed to independently develop research work in the field of Christian history.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Christianity and secularization
Starting from the political and social transformations introduced by the French Revolution, the course intends to analyze the evolution of doctrinal debates and State legislation which during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries profoundly modified the relationship between society and Christian religion, and aims to verify the repercussions that the impact with the modernity and the secularization have had on the internal life of the Christian communities, in their various components.
The analysis will be conducted by reading the sources and comparing different historiographic interpretations of the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Source dossier provided by the teacher through Moodle.
2) René RÉMOND, La secolarizzazione. Religione e società nell’Europa contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999
3) One book chosen from the following:
- Daniele MENOZZI, La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione, Torino, Einaudi, 1993
- Giovanni MICCOLI, Il mito della cristianità, a cura di Daniele Menozzi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2017.

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

Reference Bibliography

Non-attending students are asked to agree on the program with the teacher. It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: - Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195). - ROBERTO RUSCONI, Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2019, parte IV. - or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to make students acquire the ability to read and critically interpret historical essays and to deepen its historiographical debates, in order to provide them with methodological expertise to independently develop their own research paths, scientifically analysing the sources and the relative historiography. There will then be held methodological lessons and practical research exercises, discussion of the historiography and use of tools and aids.


Attendance is optional, but it is strongly recommended for the seminar method of the course, which involves the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

A final oral exam is scheduled, but during the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Christianity and secularization
Starting from the political and social transformations introduced by the French Revolution, the course intends to analyze the evolution of doctrinal debates and State legislation which during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries profoundly modified the relationship between society and Christian religion, and aims to verify the repercussions that the impact with the modernity and the secularization have had on the internal life of the Christian communities, in their various components.
The analysis will be conducted by reading the sources and comparing different historiographic interpretations of the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Source dossier provided by the teacher through Moodle.
2) René RÉMOND, La secolarizzazione. Religione e società nell’Europa contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999
3) One book chosen from the following:
- Daniele MENOZZI, La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione, Torino, Einaudi, 1993
- Giovanni MICCOLI, Il mito della cristianità, a cura di Daniele Menozzi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2017.

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

Reference Bibliography

Non-attending students are asked to agree on the program with the teacher. It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: - Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195). - ROBERTO RUSCONI, Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2019, parte IV. - or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to make students acquire the ability to read and critically interpret historical essays and to deepen its historiographical debates, in order to provide them with methodological expertise to independently develop their own research paths, scientifically analysing the sources and the relative historiography. There will then be held methodological lessons and practical research exercises, discussion of the historiography and use of tools and aids.


Attendance is optional, but it is strongly recommended for the seminar method of the course, which involves the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

A final oral exam is scheduled, but during the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Christianity and secularization
Starting from the political and social transformations introduced by the French Revolution, the course intends to analyze the evolution of doctrinal debates and State legislation which during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries profoundly modified the relationship between society and Christian religion, and aims to verify the repercussions that the impact with the modernity and the secularization have had on the internal life of the Christian communities, in their various components.
The analysis will be conducted by reading the sources and comparing different historiographic interpretations of the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Source dossier provided by the teacher through Moodle.
2) René RÉMOND, La secolarizzazione. Religione e società nell’Europa contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999
3) One book chosen from the following:
- Daniele MENOZZI, La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione, Torino, Einaudi, 1993
- Giovanni MICCOLI, Il mito della cristianità, a cura di Daniele Menozzi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2017.

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

Reference Bibliography

Non-attending students are asked to agree on the program with the teacher. It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: - Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195). - ROBERTO RUSCONI, Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2019, parte IV. - or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to make students acquire the ability to read and critically interpret historical essays and to deepen its historiographical debates, in order to provide them with methodological expertise to independently develop their own research paths, scientifically analysing the sources and the relative historiography. There will then be held methodological lessons and practical research exercises, discussion of the historiography and use of tools and aids.


Attendance is optional, but it is strongly recommended for the seminar method of the course, which involves the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

A final oral exam is scheduled, but during the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Christianity and secularization
Starting from the political and social transformations introduced by the French Revolution, the course intends to analyze the evolution of doctrinal debates and State legislation which during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries profoundly modified the relationship between society and Christian religion, and aims to verify the repercussions that the impact with the modernity and the secularization have had on the internal life of the Christian communities, in their various components.
The analysis will be conducted by reading the sources and comparing different historiographic interpretations of the topics covered.

Core Documentation

1) Source dossier provided by the teacher through Moodle.
2) René RÉMOND, La secolarizzazione. Religione e società nell’Europa contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999
3) One book chosen from the following:
- Daniele MENOZZI, La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione, Torino, Einaudi, 1993
- Giovanni MICCOLI, Il mito della cristianità, a cura di Daniele Menozzi, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2017.

Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.

Reference Bibliography

Non-attending students are asked to agree on the program with the teacher. It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: - Storia del Cristianesimo, dir. EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI, IV. L'età contemporanea (secc. XIX-XXI), a cura di GIOVANNI VIAN, Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Frecce, 195). - ROBERTO RUSCONI, Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2019, parte IV. - or another in different language.

Type of delivery of the course

We will try to make students acquire the ability to read and critically interpret historical essays and to deepen its historiographical debates, in order to provide them with methodological expertise to independently develop their own research paths, scientifically analysing the sources and the relative historiography. There will then be held methodological lessons and practical research exercises, discussion of the historiography and use of tools and aids.


Attendance is optional, but it is strongly recommended for the seminar method of the course, which involves the active participation of students.

Type of evaluation

A final oral exam is scheduled, but during the lessons there will be methods to assess the profit through the interaction between teacher and students and the elaboration and presentation in class of a paper.