knowledge of late antique and medieval artistic production in the Mediterranean, of the themes and stylistic tendencies of both pagan and Christian iconographic monuments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
teacher profile | teaching materials


Christian and Medieval Iconography (I Semester - 6 CFU)

Sarcophagi in Late Antiquity

The course will give the students a method which is necessary to read the themes depicted in the plastic funerary production of Rome, Arles, Ravenna and Constantinople, observing similarities and differences, both stylistic and chronological. Lessons will retrace the itinerary of roman and mediterranean ateliers, which carved specially sarcophagi, in marble or local stone, with neutral, christian or symbolic scenes. Will be analyzed the main centers of production, such as Rome, Ostia, Arles, Ravenna, Milan and Constantinople.

Core Documentation

F. Bisconti, H. Brandenburg (edd.), Sarcofagi tardoantichi, paleocristiani ed altomedievali, Città del Vaticano 2004.
Handouts provided during lessons.

Not attending students must add to the Assignment:
F. Bisconti, Temi di Iconografia Paleocristiana, Città del Vaticano 2000: Introduction and a choice of 20 iconographical entries.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional Oral examination

Type of evaluation

Oral examination