Target of the course is to deepen the use of historical sources, archaeological and of research with the purpose to face the study (urbanistic evolution, monumental etc.) of the city of the classical world.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Theaters and cities in Roman Italy.

After a first part concerning the evolution of the city in Roman Italy (and its architectural, town-planning, juridical etc. aspects), the course aims to address the evolution of theater in Roman Italy. The differences and transformations between "Greek" and "Roman" cases will be reviewed. Some sample-cities of Roman Italy will therefore be examined, following their overall urban evolution, with particular attention to the development of theaters and their role in a monumental and urbanistic key.

Visits to Ostia are planned during the course.
Working students, or those who could not follow the course due to justified reasons, will have to bring an alternative program, agreed with the teacher.

Core Documentation

Considering the theme of the course and the impossibility of knowing at the time of the program's formalization what the availability of libraries may be, most of the texts will be made available in pdf format, in compliance with current regulations.
In addition to those indicated, in-depth texts will be indicated during the lessons.

* Roman Town-planning in Italy:
- P. Sommella, Italia antica. L’urbanistica romana, Roma 1988, pp. 17-32; 55-67; 83-92; 109-123; 143-164; 227-250 (schede di Minturno: 40-41; Cosa: 71-72; Verona: 136-137; Puteoli: 217-219)
** Roman Theaters:
- H.P. Isler, “L’architettura teatrale antica”, in P. Ciancio Rossetto, G. Pisani Sartorio (edd.), Censimento analitico. Teatri greci e romani. Alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato,
Roma 1994, Vol. I, pp. 88-124 [solo le pagine in italiano].
- G. Bejor, “L'edificio teatrale nell'urbanizzazione augustea”, in Athenaeum. Studi di letteratura e storia dell'antichità 57 (1979), pp. 126-138
- P. Gros, L' architettura romana. Dagli inizi del III secolo a. C. alla fine dell'alto impero. I monumenti pubblici, Milano 2001, pp. 302-321
- F. Sear, Roman Theatres: An Architectural Study, Oxford 2006, pp. 1-36; 48-84
*** Cities and Theaters:
For the cases examined in detail (Ostia, Minturno, Verona, Ferento and others), the reference texts are made up of specific parts that will be indicated during the course.

Working students, or those who for justified reasons cannot follow the course, will have to bring an alternative program, agreed with the teacher.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons in classroom with slides. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: distance lessons through suitable platforms. During the course visits on archaeological sites will be carried out.

Type of evaluation

Final oral Examination. In particular, the learning test will take place through dialogues in which the student will be required to discuss case studies proposed by the teacher in class or examples of ancient building complexes from graphic and photographic repertoires. For the evaluation of the examination, consideration will be given to the mastery of the contents and acquired skills, the linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: distance lessons through suitable platforms.