knowledge of the different types of sources related to the history of art of the XIX-XX centuries, both visual and documentary, written and oral.
teacher profile | teaching materials


1967. Italian programmed art: Lo Savio, Colombo, Fabro.
The students find conceptual tools of retracing a specific exhibition case study.
They will investigate and compare researches of three Italian artists: Francesco Lo Savio, Gianni Colombo and Luciano Fabro, from the beginnings to 1967.
These artists were representatives of a new generation that on the one hand had taken up part of the experiments of the historical avant-gardes, on the other, had set themselves the task of unhinging the limits of painting and sculpture with different ways of activating the tactile-visual perception of surfaces, light and space.
The main aim of the course is to understand how the three artists have been joined into the critical project by Umbro Apollonio for the exhibition entitled "La Nuova tendenza. Arte programmata Italiana" held in 1967.
On that occasion, their artworks had been set up and read as examples of a research method on the nature of perception, parallel to the contemporary technological and scientific popularization.

Core Documentation

The relative bibliography will be provided during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

at a distance

Type of evaluation

oral examination