The student will address one or more specialist topics. He will be presented with an example of an author's in-depth study or an important theme of Italian literature, according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. It will acquire the necessary hermeneutic tools for the analysis of texts and the application of the most appropriate methodologies to them (analysis of metric or narrative structures), in the context of a suitable preparation for advanced literary study.
teacher profile | teaching materials


1. Characters from the medieval world in Dante's Comedy.
2. Benedetto Croce and Italian literature.

Core Documentation

1. A good commented edition, even scholastic, on the Divine Comedy; E. Pasquini, Vita di Dante. I giorni e le opere, Milano, Rizzoli; G. Gorni, Dante. Storia di un visionario, Roma-Bari, Laterza; E. Auerbach, Studi su Dante, Milano, Feltrinelli; also, for consultation: Nel Duecento di Dante: i personaggi, a cura di F. Suitner, Firenze, Le Lettere.

2. B. Croce, La poesia, Milano, Adelphi, a cura di G. Galasso; R. Wellek, Storia della critica moderna, vol. VIII, Francia, Italia e Spagna 1900-1950, Bologna, Il Mulino; P. D'Angelo, Il problema Croce, Macerata, Quodlibet; P. Craveri- K. E. Lönne-G. Patrizi, Croce, Benedetto, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, also online: http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/benedetto-croce_%28Dizionario-Biografico%29/ .

- Students will also read two classics of Italian literature, with appropriate critical comments, which will be indicated during the course. Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

During the course, historical lessons will alternate with others dedicated to the detailed analysis of selected texts. About two thirds of the lessons will be dedicated to point 1 of the program, one third to the discussion of point 2. Some lesson hours may be devoted to problems of methodology or metric-philological propaedeutics.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination. The exam will include questions on the topics covered in class and on the bibliography. The the detailed analysis of selected texts of the writers considered will also be required. Non-attending students will contact the teacher for information and additions to the program.