20702781 - HEBREW L.M.

The student will deepen the knowledge of biblical texts intended as an expression of ancient Jewish religious culture and related textual and linguistic problems, progressing in the learning of the Hebrew language.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Memory, Writing and History in the Bible

The course will be centered on "writing as remembering", a theme Scriptures developed in different literary genres (historiography, novel, myth, poetry...), touching several central questions in the study of Hebrew Bible, such as Biblical narrative compared with the history we can reconstruct from archeological findings and external sources, place and function of myth in the Bible, historiography in the Bible and in ancient Mediterranean civilizations.

The course offers the opportunity to learn Biblical Hebrew (1/3 out of the teaching hours): to complete the study of Hebrew grammar students are recommended to attend the course since the first semester (Ebraico). Students not attending Hebrew lessons will study an additional part of program.

Core Documentation

For students attending course:
G. Deiana – A. Spreafico, Guida allo studio dell'ebraico biblico, Roma 1997 (e ristampe).
Notes and texts suggested/distributed during course sessions.
Students attending the course without attending Hebrew grammar lessons must contact Prof. Moro for more texts

For students not attending course:
Please contact Prof. Moro (caterina.moro@uniroma3.it).

Type of evaluation

The student will discuss on request of the examiner not less than three topics included in the program. Students attending the lessons of grammar of biblical Hebrew will read, translate and discuss a short passage from the book of Ruth in Hebrew. Student not attending the Hebrew lessons will discuss a topic assigned by the teacher.