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Mutuazione: 20703625 FILOLOGIA ITALIANA L.M. in Italianistica LM-14 N0 FIORILLA MAURIZIO


The course will focus first on select passages in the 'Commedia' and other works by Dante (Vita nova, De vulgari eloquentia, Monarchia, Epistola XIII) where the author expounds on the canon and the style of the great auctores of the classical world. Next specific instances where Dante hints at or echoes the classics will be examined, taking into account also the glosses, commentaries and other texts which defined the reception of his works in the Middle ages, paying particular attention to the textual variants found in the manuscript tradition of the 'Commedia' and to the glosses of the commentators from the 14th to the 16th century.

Core Documentation

- DANTE ALIGHIERI, Commedia, ed. by A.M. CHIAVACCI LEONARDI, Milano, Mondadori, 2016, or ed. by G. INGELSE, Roma, Carocci, 2916 (if you have other editions of the text please get in touch with the lecturer): Inf. I, II, IV (69-151), V (52-69), VI (1-33), XVI (123-136), XVIII (127-136), XX, XXV, XXVI, XXVII (16-33 e 73-123) Purg. I (22-27 e 120-136), II (53-133), III (vv. 16-45); XXII; Par. VI (127-42), VIII (1-12 e 31-93), XV (25-30, 85-90 133-148); XVI (1-27), XVII (1-27), XXVI (76-84), XXX (19-27).

*L. AZZETTA, «Ad intelligenza della presente Comedìa…». I primi esegeti di fronte al «poema sacro», in Dante e la sua eredità a Ravenna nel Trecento, a cura di M. PETOLETTI, Ravenna, Longo, 2015, pp. 87-113.
- *G. CERRI, Dante e Omero. Il volto di Medusa, Lecce, Argo, 2007, pp. 113-16 e 125-29.
- *M. FIORILLA, Da Apollonio Rodio a Lucano, da Lucano a Dante: ripresa e variatio di una similitudine, in «Tutto il lume della spera nostra» Studi per Marco Ariani, a cura di. G. CRIMI e L. MARCOZZI, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2018, pp. 75-81.
- * M. FIORILLA, La metafora del latte in Dante tra tradizione classica e cristiana, in La metafora in Dante, a cura di M. Ariani, Firenze, Olschki, 2009, pp. 149-165 (solo le pp. 149-61).
- *S. GENTILI, «Ut canes infernales»: Cerbero e le Arpie in Dante, in I monstra nell’ ‘Inferno dantesco’, in I “monstra” nell’‘Inferno’ dantesco. Tradizioni e simbologie. Atti del Convegno storico internazionale di Todi, 13-16 ottobre 1996, Spoleto, CISAM, 1997, pp. 177-203.
- *S. GENTILI, Il fuoco di Ulisse, in Per civile conversazione. Con Amedeo Quondam, a cura di B. ALFONZETTI ET ALII, Roma, Bulzoni, 2014, pp. 605-615.
- *A. IANNUCCI, Dante e la «bella scola» della poesia, in Dante e la «bella scola» della poesia Autorità e sfida poetica, a cura di A.A. IANNUCCI, G.C. ALESSIO, C. VILLA et alii, Ravenna, Longo, 1993, pp. 19-37.
- *M. PETOLETTI, Canto XXV «Taccia Lucano. Taccia […] Ovidio», in Lectura Dantis Romana, Cento canti per cento anni. I. Inferno. Canti XVIII-XXXIV, a cura di E. MALATO e A. MAZZUCCHI, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2013, vol. II, pp. 802-22.
- *S. RIZZO, Lectura di Dante, ‘Inferno’, XXVI, in «Rivista di Studi danteschi», XVI/2, 2016, pp. 276-90 (solo le pp. 280-90).
- *A. TARTARO, L’aggettivo di Cleopatra (Inferno V, 63), in «La Cultura», XXXII, 1994, pp. 45-57.

The articles marked by an asterisk will be included in the Dispense del corso (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with a selection of passages from other works by Dante ('Vita nova', 'Convivio', 'De vulgari eloquentia', 'Monarchia', 'Epistola' XIII), an anthology of classical sources with late antique and early medieval glosses, a selection of glosses from the early commentaries to the Commedia, and samples of pages from critical editions of the poem. Notes and other material will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page.

Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer.

Type of evaluation

An oral exam at the end of the course. No interim assessments are envisaged.The exam will focus on the material referred to under ‘Bilbiography’ and on the topics dealt with during the course.The exam will assess: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the subject acquired; 2) command of the technical vocabulary; 3) the ability to bring together critically topics and issues dealt with during the course.