20710451 - Plasmar las ideas. textualidad y argumentación en la prosa en español

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Mutuazione: 20710451 Plasmar las ideas. textualidad y argumentación en la prosa en español in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 MARCELLO ELENA ELISABETTA


The course aims to analyse and to translate Hispanci essayistic prose. Guided by the teacher, students will learn techniques of the expositive and argumentative writings in Spanish and translation’s strategies and they will focus primarily on the strategies and thinking of Ortega y Gasset.

Core Documentation

1) Textbooks and critical essays
Montolío, Estrella, Manual de escritura académica y profesional, I. Estrategias gramaticales, II. Estrategias discursivas, Barcelona, Ariel, 2014.
Vicente Cervera, Belén Hernández - Mª Dolores Adsuar (eds.), El ensayo como género literario, Murcia, Universidad, 2005 (articoli di Pedro Aullón de Haro, Elena Arenas Cruz, José María Pozuelo Yvancos). Disponibile online.
Aullón de Haro, Pedro, «La teoría del ensayo en España entre Ortega y Gasset y Juan Chabás», Pensamiento literario español del siglo XX, 2, pp. 40-55. Disponibile online.
Bueno, Gustavo, «Sobre el concepto de ensayo», in El Padre Feijoo y su siglo, Actas del Simposio (Universidad de Oviedo, 28 de septiembre al 5 de octubre de 1964),
Oviedo, 1966, I, pp. 89-112. Disponibile online.
Jaimes, Héctor, «Octavio Paz: ensayo, historia y estética», in Octavio Paz: la dimensión estética del ensayo, México, Siglo XXI editores, 2004, pp. 40-62.
Eventual other bibliographical references will be provided during the course.
2) Texts
Ortega y Gasset, La rebelión de las masas y otros ensayos, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2014. (see Roma Tre Discovery) Only text online.
Ortega y Gasset, La deshumanización del arte, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2015. The text, without the critical introduction, is available online in another edition.
Abellán, José Luis, Ensayo sobre las dos Españas. Una voz de esperanza, Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 2011. (see Roma Tre Discovery)
Unamuno, Miguel de, En torno al casticismo, ed. J-C. Rabaté, Madrid, Cátedra, 2005. (see Roma Tre Discovery). The text, without the critical introduction, is available online in another edition.
Paz, Octavio, El laberinto de la soledad. Posdata. Vuelta al laberinto de la soledad, ed. Enrico Mario Santí, México D. F., Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2016 (Edición por el 65 aniversario). (see Roma Tre Discovery)
3) Dictionaries
Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Madrid, RAE, 2014 (23ª ed.)
Seco, Manuel; Ramos, Gabino; Andrés, Olimpia, Diccionario del Español Actual, Madrid, Santillana, 2006.
Diccionario CLAVE, Madrid, SM, 2006.
Diccionario de americanismos, Madrid, Santillana, 2010.

Additional mandatory material for students who have failed their final tests and for non attending students.
Del Molino, Sergio, La España vacía, Madrid, Turner Libros, 2016.
Gracía, Jordi - Ródenas, Domingo, El ensayo español Siglo XX, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 or Fuente Rodríguez, Catalina - Alcaide Lara, Esperanza R., La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2010.

NB: As per interdepartmental agreements, LM39 students are requested to contact the teacher for details of the programme.

Type of delivery of the course

30 hours in frontal teaching methodology + 6 hours of other assisted didactics In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching on Teams and/or Moodle.


Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. It supports students to personal study.

Type of evaluation

Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. It supports students to personal study. For attending students: 1) Active attendance and coursework (20%); 2) Written essay and oral presentation (30%); 3) Oral exam (50%). For non attending students: 1) Non-attendant students have to contact the teacher at least three months before the final exam in order to accord program’s integration and written essay; 2) Written essay; 3) Oral exam conform with integrations previously accorded in point 1) e 2). Notes All students are exhorted to consult website of Dr. Elena Marcello (http://lingueletteratureculturestraniere.uniroma3.it/bacheca/emarcello/), where they will found updaten information about class, programs and teaching material. They will read and comment on texts during the lessons, so it’s essential for the students to get them in time.