teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710597 STORIA DELL'ARTE DEL XX SECOLO - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 IAMURRI LAURA


Art and feminism in Rome in the Seventies: works, militancy, contexts
The course will address the history of art and artistic debate in Italy in the years of the neo-feminist wave in Western countries, with a focus on Rome.

Core Documentation

selected readings:
– Linda Nochlin, Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?, in V. Gormick, B.K. Moran (eds), Woman in Sexist Society. Studies in Power and Powerlessness, Basic Book, New York 1971, pp. 344-366 (nuova trad. it. a cura di Jessica Perna: Perché non ci sono state grandi artiste?, Castelvecchi, Roma 2014);
_Carla Accardi. Contesti, catalogo della mostra (Milano, Museo del 900) a cura di Maria Grazia Messina e Anna Maria Montaldo con Giorgia Gastaldon, Milano, Electa 2020;
_Maria Bremer, “From Woman to Woman.” Exhibiting Genealogy – Carla Accardi’s Origine, 1976, “Palinsesti”, 8/2019 (http://palinsesti.net/index.php/Palinsesti/article/view/137)
_Laura Iamurri, Un libro e una mostra per la storia delle artiste italiane del XX secolo: Il complesso di Michelangelo di Simona Weller, 1976, “Studiolo”, 15, 2018, pp. 82-97;
_Ead., Cloti Ricciardi, alfabeta, in Fotografia e femminismo nell’Italia degli anni Settanta. Rispecchiamento, indagine critica e testimonianza, a cura di Cristina Casero, postmedia books, Milano 2021, pp. 93-106

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and seminars, visits in small groups to related collections and/or exhibitions. The course may be subject to some changes due to the development of the COVID19 epidemic

Type of evaluation

Paper on a topic assigned by the teacher. Papers must be submitted no later than 15 days before the scheduled exam.